4 changed files with 143 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ |
module Day5 |
( |
module Day5 |
) where |
import Data.Char |
import Data.Maybe |
import Control.Applicative |
import qualified Data.Text as T |
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P |
import qualified Data.Vector as V |
type ADDRp = Int |
type ADDRi = Integer |
type ADDR = Either ADDRp ADDRi |
type INPUT = Integer |
type OUTPUT = Integer |
data Instruction = ADD ADDR ADDR ADDRp |
| HALT |
deriving (Show) |
execute :: INPUT -> String -> [OUTPUT] |
execute i s = maybe [] (runProgram i) $ parseProgram (T.pack s) |
type Program = V.Vector Integer |
type PC = Int |
type RunningProg = (INPUT, Program, PC, [OUTPUT]) |
parseProgram :: T.Text -> Maybe Program |
parseProgram = fmap V.fromList . P.maybeResult . parseNumbers |
where parseNumbers = P.parse (P.sepBy1 (P.signed P.decimal) (P.char ',')) |
runProgram :: INPUT -> Program -> [OUTPUT] |
runProgram i p = go i p 0 [] |
where go i' p' pc outputs = |
let inst = parseInstruction p' pc in |
case inst of |
HALT -> outputs |
_ -> let (i'', p'',pc', outputs') = executeInstruction (i', p', pc, outputs) inst in |
outputs ++ go i'' p'' pc' outputs' |
parseInstruction :: Program -> PC -> Instruction |
parseInstruction p i = |
let inst = p V.! i |
a = (inst `div` 10000) /= 0 |
b = (inst `mod` 10000) `div` 1000 /= 0 |
c = (inst `mod` 1000) `div` 100 /= 0 |
de = (inst `mod` 100) |
addr b a = if b then Right a else Left (fromInteger a) |
in |
case de of |
1 -> ADD (addr c (p V.! (i+1))) |
(addr b (p V.! (i+2))) |
(fromInteger (p V.! (i+3))) |
2 -> MUL (addr c (p V.! (i+1))) |
(addr b (p V.! (i+2))) |
(fromInteger (p V.! (i+3))) |
3 -> STORE $ fromInteger (p V.! (i+1)) |
4 -> LOAD $ fromInteger (p V.! (i+1)) |
5 -> JMPT (addr c (p V.! (i+1))) (addr b (p V.! (i+2))) |
6 -> JMPF (addr c (p V.! (i+1))) (addr b (p V.! (i+2))) |
7 -> LT' (addr c (p V.! (i+1))) |
(addr b (p V.! (i+2))) |
(fromInteger (p V.! (i+3))) |
8 -> EQ' (addr c (p V.! (i+1))) |
(addr b (p V.! (i+2))) |
(fromInteger (p V.! (i+3))) |
99 -> HALT |
_ -> error $ "unknown instruction " ++ show ((a,b,c), de) |
executeInstruction :: RunningProg -> Instruction -> RunningProg |
executeInstruction (input, p, pc, outputs) i = |
case i of |
ADD (Left a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, (p V.! a) + (p V.! b))], pc + 4, outputs) |
ADD (Left a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, (p V.! a) + b)], pc + 4, outputs) |
ADD (Right a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, a + (p V.! b))], pc + 4, outputs) |
ADD (Right a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, a + b)], pc + 4, outputs) |
MUL (Left a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, (p V.! a) * (p V.! b))], pc + 4, outputs) |
MUL (Left a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, (p V.! a) * b)], pc + 4, outputs) |
MUL (Right a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, a * (p V.! b))], pc + 4, outputs) |
MUL (Right a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, a * b)], pc + 4, outputs) |
STORE a -> (input, p V.// [(a, input)], pc + 2, outputs) |
LOAD a -> (input, p, pc + 2, outputs ++ [p V.! a]) |
JMPT (Left a) (Left b) -> |
(input, p, if (p V.! a) /= 0 then fromInteger (p V.! b) else pc + 3, outputs) |
JMPT (Left a) (Right b) -> |
(input, p, if (p V.! a) /= 0 then fromInteger b else pc + 3, outputs) |
JMPT (Right a) (Left b) -> |
(input, p, if a /= 0 then fromInteger (p V.! b) else pc + 3, outputs) |
JMPT (Right a) (Right b) -> |
(input, p, if a /= 0 then fromInteger b else pc + 3, outputs) |
JMPF (Left a) (Left b) -> |
(input, p, if (p V.! a) == 0 then fromInteger (p V.! b) else pc + 3, outputs) |
JMPF (Left a) (Right b) -> |
(input, p, if (p V.! a) == 0 then fromInteger b else pc + 3, outputs) |
JMPF (Right a) (Left b) -> |
(input, p, if a == 0 then fromInteger (p V.! b) else pc + 3, outputs) |
JMPF (Right a) (Right b) -> |
(input, p, if a == 0 then fromInteger b else pc + 3, outputs) |
LT' (Left a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if (p V.! a) < (p V.! b) then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
LT' (Left a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if (p V.! a) < b then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
LT' (Right a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if a < (p V.! b) then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
LT' (Right a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if a < b then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
EQ' (Left a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if (p V.! a) == (p V.! b) then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
EQ' (Left a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if (p V.! a) == b then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
EQ' (Right a) (Left b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if a == (p V.! b) then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
EQ' (Right a) (Right b) c -> |
(input, p V.// [(c, if a == b then 1 else 0)], pc + 4, outputs) |
_ -> (input, p, pc + 1, outputs) |
Reference in new issue