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# Exercises: Understanding folds
## Exercise 1
This will evaluate to: `(1*(2*(3*(4*(5*1))))`, so
1. Is not correct as the types are incorrect.
2. Will return the same result.
3. Will also return the same result.
The latter two are the same because multiplication is commutative.
## Exercise 2
fMul = flip (*)
| ------- accumulator -------|
foldl fMul 1 [1,2,3]
= foldl fMUl (fMul 1 1) [2,3]
= foldl fMul (fMul (fMul 1 1) 2) [3]
= foldl fMul (fMul (fMul (fMul 1 1) 2) 3) []
= fMul (fMul (fMul 1 1) 2) 3
= 3*(2*(1*1))
= 6
## Exercise 3
1. They both traverse the spine from right to left. This evident by the `(x:xs)` pattern matching in both functions' definition.
2. They both force the rest of the fold as they are both recursive functions.
3. **True, `foldr` associates from the right and `foldl` assocatiates from the left.**
4. They are both recursive
## Exercise 4
(a) Catamorphism means to shape downwards and thus reduce structure. This is evident in the application of the folds which can reduce lists to a single value.
## Exercise 5
1. The zero value is missing: `foldr (++) "" ["woot", "WOOT", "woot"]`
2. The wrong zero value is used, a `Char` is expected: `foldr max 'a' "fear is the litle death"`
3. `and :: [a] -> Bool` is a function which takes an array and returns `True` if all values are `True`. This is not the same type as expected: `(a -> b -> b)`. **Should be: `foldr (&&) True [False, True]`**
4. The wrong zero value is used as this will always return `True`. Such is the nature of the `(||)`operator. Should be: `foldr (||) False [False, True]`
5. `foldl` expects a `b -> a -> b` function. `((++) . show) :: Show a => a -> [Char] -> [Char]`. If we use this function this means that, because the accumalator starting values `""` is of type `[Char]`, our fold function is: `[Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]` which does not fit, because this would mean our elements of the array should be of type `[Char]`. **It should be: `foldr (flip $ ((++) . show) "" [1..5]`**
6. The result of the `const` application should be the same type as the zero value (`Char`), but `const` returns the type of the second argument, in this case `Num a => a`. **It should be: `foldr (flip const) 'a' [1..5]`**
7. Same as (6). It should be: `foldr (flip const) 0 "tacos"`
8. This is similar to the previous questions. The `flip` is not needed here for the same reasons it is needed in (6) and (7). It should be: `foldl const 0 "burritos"`
9. Same as (8). It should be `foldl const 'z' [1..5]`