18 changed files with 1513 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
# Chapter Exercises |
1. see src/SemVer.hs |
2. see src/PosInt.hs |
3. see src/PosInt.hs |
4. see src/PhoneNumber.hs |
5. see src/ParseLog.hs |
6. see src/IPAddress.hs |
7. see src/IPAddress.hs |
8. see src/IPAddress.hs |
9. see src/IPAddress.hs |
10. Not done (yet). |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
# Exercises: Parsing Practise |
see src/LearnParsers.hs |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
# Exercise: Unit of Success |
`(>>)` is actually `(*>)` from `Applicative` and `Applicative` also has `(<*)` which has type `Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a` |
So the solution here is: `integer <* eof` |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
# Exercise: Try Try |
see src/TryTry.hs |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} |
module AltParsing where |
import Control.Applicative |
import Text.RawString.QQ |
import Text.Trifecta |
type NumberOrString = Either Integer String |
a :: String |
a = "blah" |
b :: String |
b = "123" |
c :: String |
c = "123blah789" |
eitherOr :: String |
eitherOr = [r| |
123 |
abc |
456 |
def |
|] |
parseNos :: Parser NumberOrString |
parseNos = do |
skipMany (oneOf "\n") |
v <- (Left <$> integer) <|> (Right <$> some letter) |
skipMany (oneOf "\n") |
return v |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
let p f i = parseString f mempty i |
print $ p (some letter) a |
print $ p integer b |
print $ p parseNos a |
print $ p parseNos b |
print $ p (many parseNos) c |
print $ p (some parseNos) c |
print $ p (some parseNos) eitherOr |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
module BT where |
import Control.Applicative |
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A |
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (parseOnly) |
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) |
import Text.Trifecta hiding (parseTest) |
import Text.Parsec (Parsec, parseTest) |
-- Helper function to run a trifecta parser and print the result |
trifP :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO () |
trifP p i = print $ parseString p mempty i |
-- Helper function to run a parsec parser and print the result |
parsecP :: Show a => Parsec String () a -> String -> IO () |
parsecP = parseTest |
-- Helper function to runan attoparsec and print the result |
attoP :: Show a => A.Parser a -> ByteString -> IO () |
attoP p i = print $ parseOnly p i |
-- Parsers |
nobackParse :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Char |
nobackParse = (char '1' >> char '2') <|> char '3' |
tryParse :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Char |
tryParse = try (char '1' >> char '2') <|> char '3' |
tryAnnot :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Char |
tryAnnot = (try (char '1' >> char '2') <?> "Tried 12") |
<|> (char '3' <?> "Tried 3") |
-- Main |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
-- trifecta |
trifP nobackParse "13" |
trifP tryParse "13" |
trifP tryAnnot "13" |
-- parsec |
parsecP nobackParse "13" |
parsecP tryParse "13" |
parsecP tryAnnot "13" |
-- attoparsec |
attoP nobackParse "13" |
attoP tryParse "13" |
attoP tryAnnot "13" |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
module Text.Fractions where |
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly) |
import Data.Ratio ((%)) |
import Data.String (IsString) |
import Text.Trifecta |
badFraction :: IsString a => a |
badFraction = "1/0" |
alsoBad :: IsString a => a |
alsoBad = "10" |
shouldWork :: IsString a => a |
shouldWork = "1/2" |
shouldAlsoWork :: IsString a => a |
shouldAlsoWork = "2/1" |
-- parseFraction :: Parser Rational |
-- parseFraction = do |
-- numerator <- decimal |
-- char '/' |
-- denominator <- decimal |
-- return (numerator % denominator) |
-- virtuousFraction :: Parser Rational |
-- virtuousFraction = do |
-- numerator <- decimal |
-- char '/' |
-- denominator <- decimal |
-- case denominator of |
-- 0 -> fail "Denominator cannot be zero" |
-- _ -> return (numerator % denominator) |
parseFraction :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m Rational |
parseFraction = do |
numerator <- decimal |
char '/' |
denominator <- decimal |
case denominator of |
0 -> fail "Denominator cannot be zero" |
_ -> return (numerator % denominator) |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
-- parseOnly is Attoparsec |
let attoP = parseOnly parseFraction |
print $ attoP badFraction |
print $ attoP shouldWork |
print $ attoP shouldAlsoWork |
print $ attoP alsoBad |
-- parseString is Trifecta |
let p = parseString parseFraction mempty |
print $ p badFraction |
print $ p shouldWork |
print $ p shouldAlsoWork |
print $ p alsoBad |
-- let p = parseString parseFraction mempty |
-- print $ p shouldWork |
-- print $ p shouldAlsoWork |
-- print $ p alsoBad |
-- print $ p badFraction |
-- testVirtuous :: IO () |
-- testVirtuous = do |
-- let virtuousFraction' = parseString virtuousFraction mempty |
-- print $ virtuousFraction' shouldWork |
-- print $ virtuousFraction' shouldAlsoWork |
-- print $ virtuousFraction' alsoBad |
-- print $ virtuousFraction' badFraction |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
module GraphViz where |
@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
module IPAddress where |
import Text.Trifecta hiding (span) |
import Data.Word |
import Data.Bits |
import Data.List (splitAt) |
import Numeric (readHex, showHex) |
import Control.Monad.State |
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) |
-- import Data.List (group, span) |
import Data.Either (lefts) |
-- import qualified Data.Sequence as S |
import Test.Hspec |
-- Exercise 6 |
data IPAddress = IPAddress Word32 deriving (Eq, Ord) |
instance Show IPAddress where |
show (IPAddress w32) = |
let n = toInteger w32 |
in show ((n `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++ |
show ((n `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++ |
show ((n `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++ |
show (n .&. 0xFF) |
parseValidIPByte :: Parser Word8 |
parseValidIPByte = do |
i <- decimal |
let max' = toInteger (maxBound :: Word8) |
min' = toInteger (minBound :: Word8) |
if i <= max' && i >= min' |
then return (fromInteger i) |
else unexpected "Invalid byte" |
parseIPv4Address :: Parser IPAddress |
parseIPv4Address = do |
b1 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
_ <- char '.' |
b2 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
_ <- char '.' |
b3 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
_ <- char '.' |
b4 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
return $ IPAddress . fromInteger $ (b1 `shiftL` 24) + |
(b2 `shiftL` 16) + |
(b3 `shiftL` 8) + |
b4 |
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a |
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a |
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing |
testByteHelper :: String -> Maybe Word8 -> Expectation |
testByteHelper s r = do |
let m = parseString parseValidIPByte mempty s |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
r' `shouldBe` r |
testIPv4Helper :: String -> Maybe IPAddress -> Expectation |
testIPv4Helper s r = do |
let m = parseString parseIPv4Address mempty s |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
r' `shouldBe` r |
testByte :: IO () |
testByte = hspec $ do |
describe "Test parsing of byte" $ do |
it "Can parse 0" $ testByteHelper "0" (Just 0) |
it "Can parse 255" $ testByteHelper "255" (Just 255) |
it "Can't parse 256" $ testByteHelper "256" Nothing |
it "Can't parse -1" $ testByteHelper "-1" Nothing |
it "Can't parse empty" $ testByteHelper "" Nothing |
testIPv4 :: IO () |
testIPv4 = hspec $ do |
describe "Test parsing of IPv4" $ do |
it "Can parse" $ do |
testIPv4Helper "" (Just (IPAddress 0)) |
it "Can parse" $ do |
testIPv4Helper "" (Just (IPAddress (2^32 - 1))) |
it "Can parse" $ do |
testIPv4Helper "" (Just (IPAddress 255)) |
it "Can't parse ." $ do |
testIPv4Helper "." Nothing |
it "Can't parse 0..0.0.0" $ do |
testIPv4Helper "0..0.0.0" Nothing |
toIPAddress6 :: IPAddress -> IPAddress6 |
toIPAddress6 (IPAddress w32) = IPAddress6 0 (fromIntegral w32) |
-- Exercise 7 |
-- Datatypes: |
data IPAddress6 = IPAddress6 Word64 Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord) |
-- An IPv6Piece is the part between ':', it can be either |
-- "::" or "ABCD" |
type IPv6Piece = Either () Word16 |
-- |
toArray :: IPAddress6 -> [Word16] |
toArray (IPAddress6 w64 w64') = |
let n = toInteger w64 |
m = toInteger w64' |
mask = fromInteger . (\a -> (.&.) a 0xFFFF) |
in mask (n `shiftR` 48) : |
mask (n `shiftR` 32) : |
mask (n `shiftR` 16) : |
mask n : |
mask (m `shiftR` 48) : |
mask (m `shiftR` 32) : |
mask (m `shiftR` 16) : |
mask m : [] |
toArray' :: [Word16] -> [Either Int Word16] |
toArray' [] = [] |
toArray' s@(0:0:_) = (Left $ length ys) : (toArray' zs) |
where (ys, zs) = span (==0) s |
toArray' (x:xs) = (Right x) : toArray' xs |
findMax :: [Either Int Word16] -> Maybe Int |
findMax xs = go $ lefts xs |
where go [] = Nothing |
go ys = Just $ maximum ys |
replaceLeft :: Int -> [Either Int Word16] -> [IPv6Piece] |
replaceLeft m xs = go m xs False |
where go _ [] _ = [] |
go i ((Right c):ys) b = (Right c) : (go i ys b) |
go i ((Left c):ys) False = |
if (c == i) |
then (Left ()) : (go i ys True) |
else (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys False) |
go i ((Left c):ys) True = (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys True) |
showPieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> String |
showPieces [] = "" |
showPieces ((Right c):ys) = (showHex c "") ++ (go ys) |
where go [] = [] |
go (Right c':zs) = ":" ++ (showHex c' "") ++ (go zs) |
go zs = showPieces zs |
showPieces ((Left ():ys)) = "::" ++ (showPieces ys) |
instance Show IPAddress6 where |
show p = let xs = toArray' (toArray p) |
in showPieces $ (case findMax xs of |
Nothing -> replaceLeft 0 xs |
(Just i) -> replaceLeft i xs) |
validHex :: String |
validHex = "abcdefABCDEF0123456789" |
-- Helper functions |
-- only parses [0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4} |
readWord16 :: String -> Maybe Word16 |
readWord16 s = |
let r = readHex (take 4 s) :: [(Word16, String)] |
in case r of |
((w,s'):[]) -> if s' == "" then Just w else Nothing |
_ -> Nothing |
mkWord64 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word64 |
mkWord64 a b c d = (fromIntegral a `shiftL` 48) + |
(fromIntegral b `shiftL` 32) + |
(fromIntegral c `shiftL` 16) + |
(fromIntegral d) |
mkIPAddress6 :: [Word16] -> Maybe IPAddress6 |
mkIPAddress6 xs = |
case length xs of |
8 -> let (a,b) = splitAt 4 xs |
w1 = (mkWord64 (a !! 0) (a !! 1) (a !! 2) (a !! 3)) |
w2 = (mkWord64 (b !! 0) (b !! 1) (b !! 2) (b !! 3)) |
in Just $ IPAddress6 w1 w2 |
_ -> Nothing |
expandIPv6Pieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe [Word16] |
expandIPv6Pieces xs = |
case length $ filter (==(Left ())) xs of |
0 -> Just $ foldr f [] xs |
1 -> Just $ foldr g [] xs |
_ -> Nothing |
where f (Left _) s = s |
f (Right c) s = c:s |
n = max (9 - (length xs)) 0 |
g (Left _) s = (take n $ repeat 0) ++ s |
g (Right c) s = c:s |
getIPAddress6 :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe IPAddress6 |
getIPAddress6 xs = expandIPv6Pieces xs >>= mkIPAddress6 |
type IPv6State = Bool |
type IPv6Parser a = StateT IPv6State Parser a |
-- Parsing the individual pieces: |
-- hex, 1-4 hexes, ':', '::' |
parseSingleHex :: IPv6Parser Char |
parseSingleHex = do |
c <- oneOf validHex |
return c |
parseIPv6Hex :: IPv6Parser Word16 |
parseIPv6Hex = do |
c1 <- parseSingleHex <?> "At least one hex" |
o <- mapStateT f $ count 3 $ optional parseSingleHex |
let s = c1 : (fromMaybe "" o) |
case readWord16 s of |
Just w -> return w |
Nothing -> unexpected $ "Invalid piece: " ++ s |
where f :: Parser ([Maybe Char], IPv6State) |
-> Parser (Maybe [Char], IPv6State) |
f = fmap (\(c,b) -> (sequence c, b)) |
parseSep :: IPv6Parser String |
parseSep = do |
c <- string ":" |
return c |
parseCons :: IPv6Parser (Maybe IPv6Piece) |
parseCons = do |
b <- get |
c <- optional $ string "::" |
case c of |
Nothing -> return Nothing |
Just _ -> if b |
then unexpected "Only one '::' allowed" |
else do |
put True |
return (Just $ Left ()) |
-- Parses: |
-- ::ABCD |
-- :ABCD |
parseInnerParts :: IPv6Parser [IPv6Piece] |
parseInnerParts = do |
c <- parseCons |
case c of |
Nothing -> do |
parseSep |
w <- parseIPv6Hex |
return [Right w] |
Just _ -> do |
w <- parseIPv6Hex |
return [Left (), Right w] |
parseIPv6Address :: IPv6Parser IPAddress6 |
parseIPv6Address = do |
c <- parseCons |
w <- parseIPv6Hex |
a <- case c of |
Nothing -> do |
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts |
c' <- parseCons |
case c' of |
Nothing -> return ([Right w] ++ xs) |
Just _ -> return ([Right w] ++ xs ++ [Left ()]) |
Just _ -> do |
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts |
return $ ([Left ()] ++ [Right w] ++ xs) |
case getIPAddress6 a of |
Nothing -> unexpected "Invalid format" |
Just a' -> return a' |
where f :: Parser ([[IPv6Piece]], IPv6State) |
-> Parser ([IPv6Piece], IPv6State) |
f = fmap (\(xs, b) -> (concat xs, b)) |
toIPAddress :: IPAddress6 -> Maybe IPAddress |
toIPAddress (IPAddress6 w64 w64') |
| w64 /= 0 = Nothing |
| w64' > (fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Word32)) = Nothing |
| otherwise = Just $ IPAddress (fromIntegral w64') |
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} |
module Data.Ini where |
import Control.Applicative |
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) |
import Data.Char (isAlpha) |
import Data.Map (Map) |
import qualified Data.Map as M |
import Data.Text (Text) |
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO |
import Test.Hspec |
import Text.RawString.QQ |
import Text.Trifecta |
headerEx :: ByteString |
headerEx = "[blah]" |
newtype Header = Header String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) |
parseBracketPair :: Parser a -> Parser a |
parseBracketPair p = char '[' *> p <* char ']' |
parseHeader :: Parser Header |
parseHeader = parseBracketPair (Header <$> some letter) |
assignmentEx :: ByteString |
assignmentEx = "woot=1" |
type Name = String |
type Value = String |
type Assignments = Map Name Value |
parseAssignment :: Parser (Name, Value) |
parseAssignment = do |
name <- some letter |
_ <- char '=' |
val <- some (noneOf "\n") |
skipEOL -- important! |
return (name, val) |
-- | Skip end of lien and whitespace beyond. |
skipEOL :: Parser () |
skipEOL = skipMany (oneOf "\n") |
commentEx :: ByteString |
commentEx = "; last modified 11 November 2017 by John Doe" |
commentEx' :: ByteString |
commentEx' = "; blah\n; woot\n \n; hah" |
-- | Skip comments starting at the beginning of the line |
skipComments :: Parser () |
skipComments = skipMany $ do |
_ <- char ';' <|> char '#' |
skipMany (noneOf "\n") |
skipEOL |
sectionEx :: ByteString |
sectionEx = "; ignore me\n[languages]\nGael=Haskell" |
sectionEx' :: ByteString |
sectionEx' = [r| |
; ignore me |
[languages] |
Gael=Haskell |
|] |
sectionEx'' :: ByteString |
sectionEx'' = [r| |
; comment |
[section] |
|||| |
alias=claw |
[whatisit] |
red=intoothandclaw |
|] |
data Section = Section Header Assignments deriving (Eq, Show) |
newtype Config = Config (Map Header Assignments) deriving (Eq, Show) |
skipWhitespace :: Parser () |
skipWhitespace = skipMany (char ' ' <|> char '\n') |
parseSection :: Parser Section |
parseSection = do |
skipWhitespace |
skipComments |
h <- parseHeader |
skipEOL |
assignments <- some parseAssignment |
return $ Section h (M.fromList assignments) |
rollup :: Section -> Map Header Assignments -> Map Header Assignments |
rollup (Section h a) m = M.insert h a m |
parseIni :: Parser Config |
parseIni = do |
sections <- some parseSection |
let mapOfSections = foldr rollup M.empty sections |
return $ Config mapOfSections |
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a |
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a |
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing |
main :: IO () |
main = hspec $ do |
describe "Assignment Parsing" $ |
it "can parse a simple assignment" $ do |
let m = parseByteString parseAssignment mempty assignmentEx |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r' `shouldBe` Just ("woot", "1") |
describe "Header Parsing" $ |
it "can parse a simple header" $ do |
let m = parseByteString parseHeader mempty headerEx |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r' `shouldBe` Just (Header "blah") |
describe "Comment parsing" $ |
it "Skips comment before header" $ do |
let p = skipComments >> parseHeader |
i = "; woot\n[blah]" |
m = parseByteString p mempty i |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r' `shouldBe` Just (Header "blah") |
describe "Section parsing" $ |
it "can parse a simple section" $ do |
let m = parseByteString parseSection mempty sectionEx |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
languages = M.fromList [("Gael", "Haskell")] |
expected' = Just (Section (Header "languages") languages) |
print m |
r' `shouldBe` expected' |
describe "INI parsing" $ |
it "Can parse multiple sections" $ do |
let m = parseByteString parseIni mempty sectionEx'' |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
sectionValues = M.fromList |
[ ("alias", "claw") , ("host", "")] |
whatisitValues = M.fromList [("red", "intoothandclaw")] |
expected' = Just (Config (M.fromList [ (Header "section" |
, sectionValues) |
, (Header "whatisit" |
, whatisitValues)])) |
print m |
r' `shouldBe` expected' |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
module LearnParsers where |
import Text.Trifecta |
import Text.Parser.Combinators (eof) |
import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) |
stop :: Parser a |
stop = unexpected "stop" |
one :: Parser Char |
one = char '1' |
one' :: Parser Char |
one' = one >> stop |
oneTwo :: Parser Char |
oneTwo = char '1' >> char '2' |
oneTwo' :: Parser Char |
oneTwo' = oneTwo >> stop |
testParse :: Show a => Parser a -> IO () |
testParse p = print $ parseString p mempty "123" |
-- testEOFParse :: Parser () -> IO () |
-- testEOFParse p = print $ parseString p mempty "123" |
pNL :: String -> IO () |
pNL s = putStrLn ('\n' : s) |
-- 1 |
one'' :: Parser () |
one'' = one >> eof |
oneTwo'' :: Parser () |
oneTwo'' = oneTwo >> eof |
-- 2 |
-- Looking at the documentation you can combine strings with <|> |
oneTwoThree :: Parser String |
-- Put the biggest string first as it matches from from left to right |
oneTwoThree = string "123" <|> string "12" <|> string "1" |
-- Other solution is to use choice to create a parser from other parser |
-- choice :: [Parser a] -> Parser a |
oneTwoThree' :: Parser String |
oneTwoThree' = choice [string "1", string "12", string "123"] |
-- 3 |
-- Using foldr: |
string' :: String -> Parser String |
string' = foldr (\c p -> (:) c <$> p) (pure []) |
-- We haven't used the `char` function, if we do want to use it, we have |
-- to use <*>: |
string'' :: String -> Parser String |
string'' = foldr (\c p -> (:) <$> char c <*> p) (pure []) |
-- Which is basically: |
string''' :: String -> Parser String |
string''' = traverse char |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
pNL "stop:" |
testParse (stop :: Parser Char) |
pNL "one:" |
testParse one |
pNL "one':" |
testParse one' |
pNL "oneTwo:" |
testParse oneTwo |
pNL "oneTwo'" |
testParse oneTwo' |
pNL "one'':" |
testParse one'' |
pNL "oneTwo'':" |
testParse oneTwo'' |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} |
module Marshalling where |
import Control.Applicative |
import Data.Aeson |
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) |
import qualified Data.Text as T |
import Data.Text (Text) |
import Text.RawString.QQ |
sectionJson :: ByteString |
sectionJson = [r| |
{ "section": {"host": ""}, |
"whatisit": {"red": "intoothandclaw"} |
} |
|] |
data TestData = TestData { section :: Host, what :: Color } deriving (Eq, Show) |
instance FromJSON TestData where |
parseJSON (Object v) = |
TestData <$> v .: "section" |
<*> v .: "whatisit" |
parseJSON _ = fail "Expected an object for TestData" |
newtype Host = Host String deriving (Eq, Show) |
instance FromJSON Host where |
parseJSON (Object v) = |
Host <$> v .: "host" |
parseJSON _ = fail "Expected an object for Host" |
type Annotation = String |
data Color = Red Annotation |
| Blue Annotation |
| Yellow Annotation |
deriving (Eq, Show) |
instance FromJSON Color where |
parseJSON (Object v) = |
(Red <$> v .: "red") <|> |
(Blue <$> v .: "blue") <|> |
(Yellow <$> v .: "yellow") |
parseJSON _ = fail "Expected an object for Color" |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
let d :: Maybe TestData |
d = decode sectionJson |
print d |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} |
module NumberOrString where |
import Control.Applicative |
import Data.Aeson |
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) |
import qualified Data.Text as T |
import Data.Text (Text) |
import Text.RawString.QQ |
import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger) |
data NumberOrString = Numba Integer| Stringy Text deriving (Eq, Show) |
instance FromJSON NumberOrString where |
parseJSON (Number i) = |
case floatingOrInteger i of |
(Left _) -> fail "Must be integral number" |
(Right integer) -> return $ Numba integer |
parseJSON (String s) = return $ Stringy s |
parseJSON _ = fail "NumberOrString must be number or string" |
dec :: ByteString -> Maybe NumberOrString |
dec = decode |
eitherDec :: ByteString -> Either String NumberOrString |
eitherDec = eitherDecode |
main = do |
print $ dec "blah" |
print $ eitherDec "blah" |
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} |
module ParseLog where |
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2) |
import Data.Monoid ((<>)) |
import Text.Trifecta |
import Data.Time.Format |
import Data.Time |
import Data.List (intersperse) |
import Text.RawString.QQ |
import Test.QuickCheck |
data LogEntry = LogEntry TimeOfDay String deriving Eq |
instance Show LogEntry where |
show (LogEntry t s) = |
let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" t |
in time ++ " " ++ s |
instance Arbitrary LogEntry where |
arbitrary = do |
tod <- TimeOfDay <$> choose (0,23) <*> choose (0,59) <*> pure 0 |
s <- liftA2 (++) |
arbitrary |
(oneof [((++) "--") <$> arbitrary, arbitrary]) |
return $ LogEntry tod (filter (\c -> c /= '\n') s) |
data DayEntry = DayEntry Day [LogEntry] deriving Eq |
instance Show DayEntry where |
show (DayEntry d es) = |
let day = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" d |
entries = concat . intersperse "\n" . map show $ es |
in "# " ++ day ++ "\n" ++ entries |
instance Arbitrary DayEntry where |
arbitrary = do |
day <- ModifiedJulianDay <$> (2000 +) <$> arbitrary |
es <- listOf arbitrary |
return $ DayEntry day es |
data Log = Log [DayEntry] deriving Eq |
instance Show Log where |
show (Log ds) = concat . intersperse "\n\n" . map show $ ds |
instance Arbitrary Log where |
arbitrary = do |
es <- listOf arbitrary |
return $ Log es |
countTimeSpentDay :: [LogEntry] -> DiffTime |
countTimeSpentDay [] = 0 |
countTimeSpentDay (_:[]) = 0 |
countTimeSpentDay (x:y:xs) = |
let (LogEntry t1 _) = x |
(LogEntry t2 _) = y |
in (timeOfDayToTime t2) |
- (timeOfDayToTime t1) |
+ (countTimeSpentDay (y:xs)) |
countDay :: DayEntry -> DiffTime |
countDay (DayEntry _ e) = countTimeSpentDay e |
countTime :: Log -> DiffTime |
countTime (Log ds) = sum $ map countDay ds |
skipBlankLines :: Parser () |
skipBlankLines = |
skipMany $ (skipWhiteSpace >> skipComment >> newline) <|> |
(skipWhiteSpace >> newline) |
skipComment :: Parser () |
skipComment = skipMany $ do |
_ <- count 2 $ char '-' |
skipMany $ notChar '\n' |
skipWhiteSpace :: Parser () |
skipWhiteSpace = skipMany $ oneOf "\t " |
removeComment :: String -> String |
removeComment [] = [] |
removeComment (x:xs) = go "" x False xs |
where go s '-' True _ = s -- skip comment |
go s '-' False [] = s ++ "-" -- ended with '-' |
go s c _ [] = s ++ [c] -- ended without comment |
go s '-' False (y:ys) = go s y True ys -- possible start of comment |
go s c _ (y:ys) = go (s ++ [c]) y False ys |
parseLogEntry :: Parser LogEntry |
parseLogEntry = do |
t <- count 2 digit <> string ":" <> count 2 digit |
let m = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" t |
timeOfDay <- case m of |
Just time -> return time |
Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect time format" |
_ <- space |
s <- some $ notChar '\n' |
_ <- newline |
return $ LogEntry timeOfDay (removeComment s) |
parseDayEntry :: Parser DayEntry |
parseDayEntry = do |
_ <- char '#' |
_ <- space |
d <- some digit <> string "-" |
<> count 2 digit <> string "-" |
<> count 2 digit |
let m = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" d |
day <- case m of |
Just day' -> return day' |
Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect day format" |
-- only thing allowed after day is whitespace and comments |
skipWhiteSpace |
skipComment |
_ <- newline |
-- Followed by a list of paserLogEntries |
logEntries <- many parseLogEntry |
skipBlankLines |
return $ DayEntry day logEntries |
parseLog :: Parser Log |
parseLog = do |
skipBlankLines |
dayEntries <- many parseDayEntry |
return $ Log dayEntries |
testLog :: String |
testLog = [r|-- wheee a comment |
# 2025-02-05 |
08:00 Breakfast |
09:00 Sanitizing moisture collector |
11:00 Exercising in high-grav gym |
12:00 Lunch |
13:00 Programming |
17:00 Commuting home in rover |
17:30 R&R |
19:00 Dinner |
21:00 Shower |
21:15 Read |
22:00 Sleep |
# 2025-02-07 -- dates not nececessarily sequential |
08:00 Breakfast -- should I try skippin bfast? |
09:00 Bumped head, passed out |
13:36 Wake up, headache |
13:37 Go to medbay |
13:40 Patch self up |
13:45 Commute home for rest |
14:15 Read |
21:00 Dinner |
21:15 Read |
22:00 Sleep |
|] |
-- Generator for Log files |
genBlankLine :: Gen String |
genBlankLine = oneof [return "\t -- comment!\n", return " \t\n"] |
genDayLine :: Gen String |
genDayLine = do |
day <- ModifiedJulianDay <$> (2000 +) <$> arbitrary |
let day_string = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" day |
oneof [ return $ "# " ++ day_string ++ "\t \n" |
, return $ "# " ++ day_string ++ "\t -- comment!\n" ] |
genLogEntry :: Gen String |
genLogEntry = do |
time <- TimeOfDay <$> choose (0,23) <*> choose (0,59) <*> pure 0 |
let time_string = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" time |
oneof [ return $ time_string ++ " some description \t \n" |
, return $ time_string ++ " some description \t -- with comment\n"] |
genDayEntry :: Gen String |
genDayEntry = do |
day <- genDayLine |
logEntry <- genLogEntry -- at least one log entry |
logEntryList <- concat <$> listOf genLogEntry |
blankLines <- concat <$> listOf genBlankLine |
return $ day ++ logEntry ++ logEntryList ++ blankLines |
genLog :: Gen String |
genLog = do |
blankLines <- concat <$> listOf genBlankLine |
dayEntries <- concat <$> listOf genDayEntry |
return $ blankLines ++ dayEntries |
newtype LogExample = LogExample String deriving (Show) |
instance Arbitrary LogExample where |
arbitrary = LogExample <$> genLog |
propLog :: LogExample -> Bool |
propLog (LogExample s) = case parseString parseLog mempty s of |
Text.Trifecta.Success _ -> True |
_ -> False |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
quickCheck propLog |
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
module PhoneNumber where |
import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) |
import Text.Trifecta |
import Test.Hspec |
-- This is an exercise for the Belgian Phone numbers system |
-- From wikipedia |
{- |
Belgian telephone numbers consist of two major parts: Firstly '0', secondly the |
"zone prefix" (A) which is 1 or 2 digits long for landlines and 3 digits long |
for mobile phones and thirdly the "subscriber's number" (B). |
Land lines are always 9 digits long. They are prefixed by a zero, followed by |
the zone prefix. Depending on the length of the zone prefix, the subscriber's |
number consists of either 6 or 7 digits. Hence land line numbers are written |
either 0AA BB BB BB or 0A BBB BB BB. |
Mobile Phone numbers always consist of 10 digits. The first digit of the "zone |
prefix" of a mobile number is always '4'. Then follows 2 digits indicating to |
which Mobile Operator's pool the number originally belonged when it was taken |
into usage. The fourth digit represents a "sub-group" of this pool and has no |
additional meaning other than increasing the amount of possible numbers. The |
subscriber's number consists of 6 digits. Hence, mobile phone numbers are |
written 04AA BB BB BB. Sometimes, the last 6 digits are written in two groups |
of 3 digits to increase readability: 04AA BBB BBB. |
Numbers are sometimes written with a slash in between the zone prefix and the |
subscriber's number. This is the case for both land lines and mobile phone |
numbers. Sometimes, dots are written between the blocks of the subscriber's |
number. Examples: 0AA/BB BB BB, 0AA/BB.BB.BB; for mobile numbers: |
The international country code prefix for Belgium is "+32". When dialing a |
number with the prefix, the 0 can be dropped, e.g.: +32 4AA BB BB BB. |
-} |
-- see also |
-- Will only look at landlines and phonelines |
-- not special numbers or non-geographic numbers |
data ZonePrefix = MobileZP String |
| LandOneZP String |
| LandTwoZP String |
deriving (Eq) |
instance Show ZonePrefix where |
show (MobileZP s) = "0" ++ s |
show (LandOneZP s) = " 0" ++ s |
show (LandTwoZP s) = " 0" ++ s |
data SubscribersNumber = MobileSN String |
| LandOneSN String |
| LandTwoSN String |
deriving (Eq) |
instance Show SubscribersNumber where |
show (LandOneSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:[])) = a:b:c:" " ++ d:e:" " ++ f:g:[] |
show (LandOneSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s |
show (MobileSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:[])) = " " ++ a:b:" " ++ c:d:" " ++ e:f:[] |
show (MobileSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s |
show (LandTwoSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:[])) = " " ++ a:b:" " ++ c:d:" " ++ e:f:[] |
show (LandTwoSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s |
data PhoneNumberBE = PhoneNumberBE ZonePrefix SubscribersNumber deriving Eq |
instance Show PhoneNumberBE where |
show (PhoneNumberBE z s) = "(PhoneNumberBE " ++ show z |
++ " " |
++ show s |
++ ")" |
-- Mobile numbers are: 046x 047x 048x 049x |
-- Land lines are most other things where: |
-- 02,03,04 and 09 are single digit land line area codes |
-- the rest are two digit land line phone |
parseZonePrefix :: Parser ZonePrefix |
parseZonePrefix = |
let mobile = MobileZP <$> do |
one <- char '4' |
two <- oneOf ['6', '7', '8', '9'] |
three <- digit |
return $ [one, two, three] |
landOne = LandOneZP . (:[]) <$> oneOf ['2', '3', '4', '9'] |
landTwo = LandTwoZP <$> count 2 digit |
-- Order is important, we want to check mobile first, followed by |
-- landOne. Everything else is assumed to be land two |
in mobile <|> landOne <|> landTwo |
parseMobileSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber |
parseMobileSN = do |
let p = count 2 digit |
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.' |
p1 <- p |
skip |
p2 <- p |
skip |
p3 <- p |
return . MobileSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3 |
parseLandTwoSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber |
parseLandTwoSN = do |
let p = count 2 digit |
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.' |
p1 <- p |
skip |
p2 <- p |
skip |
p3 <- p |
return . LandTwoSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3 |
parseLandOneSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber |
parseLandOneSN = do |
let p = count 2 digit |
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.' |
p1 <- count 3 digit |
skip |
p2 <- p |
skip |
p3 <- p |
return . LandTwoSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3 |
parsePhone :: Parser PhoneNumberBE |
parsePhone = do |
-- Country code |
m <- optional $ string "+32" |
-- white space |
skipMany $ char ' ' |
-- Leading zero depends on country code |
skipOptional $ char ' ' |
_ <- case m of |
Just _ -> do |
a <- optional $ char '0' |
case a of |
Nothing -> return Nothing |
Just _ -> unexpected "0 not expected here" |
Nothing -> Just <$> char '0' |
z <- parseZonePrefix |
skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '/' |
s <- case z of |
MobileZP _ -> parseMobileSN |
LandOneZP _ -> parseLandOneSN |
LandTwoZP _ -> parseLandTwoSN |
return $ PhoneNumberBE z s |
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a |
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a |
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing |
-- Should test all options for mobile and single-digit land lines, |
-- but that is just copy-paste... QuickCheck could also help. |
main :: IO () |
main = hspec $ do |
describe "Parse Zone Prefix" $ do |
it "Mobile starts with 4[6-9]x " $ do |
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "472" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just (MobileZP "472") |
it "Incorrect mobile zone prefix should fail" $ do |
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "47" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
it "Land line with single digit" $ do |
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "2" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just (LandOneZP "2") |
it "Land line with double digit" $ do |
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "55" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just (LandTwoZP "55") |
-- ... |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
module PosInt where |
import Text.Trifecta |
import Test.Hspec |
parseDigit :: Parser Char |
parseDigit = oneOf ['0'..'9'] |
base10Integer :: Parser Integer |
base10Integer = do |
xs <- some $ (\a -> read (a:"")) <$> parseDigit |
return $ |
fst $ foldr (\a (b,i) -> (a * i + b, i*10)) (0,1) xs |
parseSign :: Parser Char |
parseSign = oneOf ['+', '-'] |
base10Integer' :: Parser Integer |
base10Integer' = do |
c <- option '+' parseSign |
let f = if c == '-' then negate else id |
f <$> base10Integer |
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a |
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a |
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing |
main :: IO () |
main = hspec $ do |
describe "Parse Digit" $ do |
it "can parse a 0" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "0" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '0' |
it "can parse a 1" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "1" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '1' |
it "can parse a 2" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "2" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '2' |
it "can parse a 3" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "3" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '3' |
it "can parse a 4" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "4" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '4' |
it "can parse a 5" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "5" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '5' |
it "can parse a 6" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "6" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '6' |
it "can parse a 7" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "7" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '7' |
it "can parse a 8" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "8" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '8' |
it "can parse a 9" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "9" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '9' |
it "other values fail" $ do |
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "a" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
describe "Parse Integer" $ do |
it "can parse single digit" $ do |
let m = parseString base10Integer mempty "3" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just 3 |
it "can parse multiple digits" $ do |
let m = parseString base10Integer mempty "123" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just 123 |
it "fails when no digit" $ do |
let m = parseString base10Integer mempty "x23" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
describe "Parse Sign" $ do |
it "Minus" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSign mempty "-" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '-' |
it "Plus" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSign mempty "+" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just '+' |
it "other" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSign mempty "1" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
describe "Parse Positive Integer" $ do |
it "positive without +" $ do |
let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "123abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just 123 |
it "positive with -" $ do |
let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "+123abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just 123 |
describe "Parse negative integer" $ do |
it "negative" $ do |
let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "-123abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
r `shouldBe` Just (-123) |
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
module SemVer where |
import Data.Char (isDigit) |
import Text.Trifecta |
import Test.Hspec |
data NumberOrString = NOSS String | NOSI Integer deriving (Eq, Show) |
type Major = Integer |
type Minor = Integer |
type Patch = Integer |
type Release = [NumberOrString] |
type Metadata = [NumberOrString] |
data SemVer = SemVer Major Minor Patch Release Metadata deriving (Eq, Show) |
-- Probably nicer ways of doing this? |
instance Ord SemVer where |
compare (SemVer major minor patch _ _) |
(SemVer major' minor' patch' _ _) = |
-- case compare major major' of |
-- GT -> GT |
-- LT -> LT |
-- EQ -> |
-- case compare minor minor' of |
-- GT -> GT |
-- LT -> LT |
-- EQ -> |
-- case compare patch patch' of |
-- GT -> GT |
-- LT -> LT |
-- EQ -> EQ |
mconcat $ |
zipWith compare [major, minor, patch] [major', minor', patch'] |
validChars :: [Char] |
validChars = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] |
-- According to SemVer identifiers comprise of [0-9a-zA-Z] |
-- Looks like the exercises wants us to differentiate between numbers |
-- and strings, even though it can be mixed: e.g 1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.5114f85 |
-- Therefore we will only treat it as a number if the entire identifier can |
-- be identified as a number |
parseNumberOrString :: Parser NumberOrString |
parseNumberOrString = do |
s <- some $ oneOf validChars |
return $ if all isDigit s |
then NOSI (read s) |
else NOSS s |
parserNumberOrStringList :: Parser [NumberOrString] |
parserNumberOrStringList = do |
x <- parseNumberOrString |
xs <- many $ char '.' >> parseNumberOrString |
return $ x : xs |
parseRelease :: Parser Release |
parseRelease = char '-' >> parserNumberOrStringList |
parseMetadata :: Parser Metadata |
parseMetadata = char '+' >> parserNumberOrStringList |
parseSemVer :: Parser SemVer |
parseSemVer = do |
major <- decimal |
_ <- char '.' |
minor <- decimal |
_ <- char '.' |
patch <- decimal |
rel <- option [] parseRelease |
metadata <- option [] parseMetadata |
_ <- eof -- not really necessary, but just makes it nice to test :) |
return $ SemVer major minor patch rel metadata |
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a |
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a |
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing |
main :: IO () |
main = hspec $ do |
describe "Number or String parsing" $ do |
it "can parse string" $ do |
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just (NOSS "abc") |
it "can parse number" $ do |
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "123" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just (NOSI 123) |
it "can parse mixed number and string" $ do |
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "123abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just (NOSS "123abc") |
it "fails on non alphanumeric" $ do |
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "+" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
describe "Number or String parsing" $ do |
it "can parse one number or string" $ do |
let m = parseString parserNumberOrStringList mempty "123abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSS "123abc"] |
it "can parse more than one number or string" $ do |
let m = parseString parserNumberOrStringList mempty "" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSI 123, NOSS "abc"] |
it "fails when no number or string" $ do |
let m = parseString parserNumberOrStringList mempty "+" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
describe "Release parsing" $ do |
it "can parse release" $ do |
let m = parseString parseRelease mempty "" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSI 123, NOSS "abc", NOSS "123abc"] |
it "fails when doesn't start with '-'" $ do |
let m = parseString parseRelease mempty "" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
describe "Metadata parsing" $ do |
it "can parse metadata" $ do |
let m = parseString parseMetadata mempty "" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSI 123, NOSS "abc", NOSS "123abc"] |
it "fails when doesn't start with '+'" $ do |
let m = parseString parseRelease mempty "" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
describe "SemVer parsing" $ do |
it "can parse just version" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [] []) |
it "fails on invalid version" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
it "fails with invalid data after version" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3[" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
it "can parse with release" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [NOSS "abc"] []) |
it "fails with more than one release" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc-abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
it "fails with invalid data after release" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc]" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
it "can parse with metadata" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3+abc" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [] [NOSS "abc"]) |
it "fails with more than one metadata" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3+abc+123" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
it "fails with non number or string after release" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3+abc[" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Nothing |
it "can parse with release and metadata" $ do |
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc+123" |
r = maybeSuccess m |
print m |
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [NOSS "abc"] [NOSI 123]) |
describe "Comparing SemVer" $ do |
it "Bigger Major" $ do |
let a = SemVer 2 1 0 [] [] |
b = SemVer 1 2 1 [] [] |
compare a b `shouldBe` GT |
it "Smaller Major" $ do |
let a = SemVer 1 2 1 [] [] |
b = SemVer 2 1 0 [] [] |
compare a b `shouldBe` LT |
it "Bigger Minor" $ do |
let a = SemVer 1 2 0 [] [] |
b = SemVer 1 1 1 [] [] |
compare a b `shouldBe` GT |
it "Smaller Major" $ do |
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [] [] |
b = SemVer 1 2 0 [] [] |
compare a b `shouldBe` LT |
it "Bigger Patch" $ do |
let a = SemVer 1 1 2 [] [] |
b = SemVer 1 1 1 [] [] |
compare a b `shouldBe` GT |
it "Smaller Patch" $ do |
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [] [] |
b = SemVer 1 1 2 [] [] |
compare a b `shouldBe` LT |
it "Equal Patch" $ do |
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [] [] |
compare a a `shouldBe` EQ |
it "Release and Major don't matter" $ do |
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [NOSI 3] [NOSI 3] |
b = SemVer 1 1 1 [NOSI 2, NOSI 1] [NOSI 2, NOSI 1] |
compare a b `shouldBe` EQ |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
module TryTry where |
import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) |
import Text.Trifecta |
import Data.Ratio ((%)) |
parseFraction :: Parser Rational |
parseFraction = do |
numerator <- decimal |
char '/' |
denominator <- decimal |
case denominator of |
0 -> fail "Denominator cannot be zero" |
_ -> return (numerator % denominator) |
type DecimalOrFraction = Either Integer Rational |
parseDecimalOrFraction :: Parser DecimalOrFraction |
parseDecimalOrFraction = (Right <$> (try parseFraction)) |
<|> (Left <$> decimal) |
Reference in new issue