Gaël Depreeuw 5 years ago
parent 94c032e9da
commit 552dc4501c
  1. 25
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 40

@ -1,17 +1,36 @@
module Main where
import Day1
import Day2
import System.IO
import Data.List.Split
day1_fuel :: String -> [Fuel]
day1_fuel = fmap (calculateFuel . read) . lines
day2_instructions :: String -> [Integer]
day2_instructions = fmap read . splitOn ","
day2 :: (Integer, Integer) -> [Integer] -> Integer
day2 t = head . execute t
day2_look :: [Integer] -> Integer
day2_look xs = head $ [ 100*noun + verb |
noun <- [0..99],
verb <- [0..99],
day2 (noun, verb) xs == 19690720 ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- readFile "./app/input_day1"
r_day1 <- readFile "./app/input_day1"
putStr "[Day 1-1] Fuel needed: "
let fs = day1_fuel r
let fs = day1_fuel r_day1
print $ sum fs
putStr "[Day 1-2] Fuel needed: "
print (sum fs + (sum . fmap calculateFuelOfFuel) fs)
r_day2 <- readFile "./app/input_day2"
let instructions = day2_instructions r_day2
putStr "[Day 2-1] Result:"
print $ day2 (12,2) instructions
putStr "[Day 2-2] Result:"
print $ day2_look instructions

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ description: Please see the README on GitHub at <https://github.com/gith
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- containers >= 0.6
- split >= 0.1
source-dirs: src

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module Day2
) where
import Data.Sequence
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Applicative
preRun :: (Integer, Integer) -> Seq Integer -> Seq Integer
preRun (noun, verb) = update 1 noun . update 2 verb
execute :: (Integer, Integer) -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
execute t = toList . executeCommandAtIndex 0 . preRun t . fromList
executeCommandAtIndex :: Int -> Seq Integer -> Seq Integer
executeCommandAtIndex i xs =
case (!?) xs i of
Just 1 -> executeCommandAtIndex (i + 4) (executeAddCommand i xs)
Just 2 -> executeCommandAtIndex (i + 4) (executeMulCommand i xs)
Just 99 -> xs
_ -> error "Unknown Command"
executeAddCommand :: Int -> Seq Integer -> Seq Integer
executeAddCommand = executeCommand (+)
executeMulCommand :: Int -> Seq Integer -> Seq Integer
executeMulCommand = executeCommand (*)
executeCommand ::
(Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> Int -> Seq Integer -> Seq Integer
executeCommand f i xs = update n v xs
where t1 = (!?) xs (i+1) >>= (!?) xs . fromIntegral
t2 = (!?) xs (i+2) >>= (!?) xs . fromIntegral
n = case (!?) xs (i+3) of
Just n' -> fromIntegral n'
_ -> error "Can't find update index"
v = case liftA2 f t1 t2 of
Just v' -> v'
_ -> error "blah"