7 changed files with 233 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
# 29 IO |
## 29.9 Chapter Exercises |
### File I/O with Vigenère |
see [src/Vigenere.hs](./src/Vigenere.hs) |
```shell |
> echo "this is a test!" | ./Vigenere -e blah | ./Vigenere -d blah |
this is a test! |
``` |
### Add timeouts to your utility |
see [src/Vigenere.hs](./src/Vigenere.hs) |
The `hWaitForInput` does not work so well though. It needs a newline to not |
timeout. Or, of course, an EOF. |
### Config Directories |
see [src/IniDir.hs](./src/IniDir.hs) |
There are some bugs in my parser (e.g. comments after values), but the logic |
of checking the dirctory works! |
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} |
module Main where |
import Control.Applicative |
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) |
import Data.Char (isAlpha) |
import Data.Map (Map) |
import qualified Data.Map as M |
import Data.Text (Text) |
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO |
import Text.Trifecta |
import System.Directory (listDirectory) |
import System.FilePath (takeExtension) |
import Control.Exception (try) |
import System.Environment (getArgs) |
newtype Header = Header String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) |
parseBracketPair :: Parser a -> Parser a |
parseBracketPair p = char '[' *> p <* char ']' |
parseHeader :: Parser Header |
parseHeader = parseBracketPair (Header <$> some letter) |
assignmentEx :: ByteString |
assignmentEx = "woot=1" |
type Name = String |
type Value = String |
type Assignments = Map Name Value |
parseAssignment :: Parser (Name, Value) |
parseAssignment = do |
name <- some letter |
_ <- char '=' |
val <- some (noneOf "\n") |
skipEOL -- important! |
return (name, val) |
-- | Skip end of lien and whitespace beyond. |
skipEOL :: Parser () |
skipEOL = skipMany (oneOf "\n") |
-- | Skip comments starting at the beginning of the line |
skipComments :: Parser () |
skipComments = skipMany $ do |
_ <- char ';' <|> char '#' |
skipMany (noneOf "\n") |
skipEOL |
data Section = Section Header Assignments deriving (Eq, Show) |
newtype Config = Config (Map Header Assignments) deriving (Eq, Show) |
skipWhitespace :: Parser () |
skipWhitespace = skipMany (char ' ' <|> char '\n') |
parseSection :: Parser Section |
parseSection = do |
skipWhitespace |
skipComments |
h <- parseHeader |
skipEOL |
assignments <- some parseAssignment |
return $ Section h (M.fromList assignments) |
rollup :: Section -> Map Header Assignments -> Map Header Assignments |
rollup (Section h a) m = M.insert h a m |
parseIni :: Parser Config |
parseIni = do |
sections <- some parseSection |
let mapOfSections = foldr rollup M.empty sections |
return $ Config mapOfSections |
parseIniFromFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Config) |
parseIniFromFile fp = do |
s <- readFile fp |
let parsed = parseString parseIni mempty s |
case parsed of |
(Success a) -> return $ Just a |
_ -> return Nothing |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
args <- getArgs |
case args of |
[dir] -> do |
l <- Control.Exception.try $ listDirectory dir |
case l of |
Left e -> ioError e |
Right xs -> do |
let xs' = filter ((==) ".ini" . takeExtension) xs |
f x = sequenceA (x, parseIniFromFile (dir ++ "/" ++ x)) |
xs'' = sequenceA $ fmap f xs' |
xs''' <- xs'' |
print $ M.fromList xs''' |
_ -> putStrLn "Need directory as argument." |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ |
module Main where |
import Data.Char |
import System.Environment (getArgs) |
import System.IO (hPutStr, hGetChar, stdout, stdin, hWaitForInput |
, stderr, interact) |
import System.Exit (exitFailure) |
import Control.Exception (try) |
import System.IO.Error (isEOFError, ioError) |
alphaIndex :: Char -> Int |
alphaIndex c |
| elem c ['a'..'z'] = ord c - ord 'a' |
| elem c ['A'..'Z'] = ord c - ord 'A' |
| otherwise = 0 |
shift :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Char -> Char -> Char |
shift f c k |
| elem c ['a'..'z'] = go c k 'a' |
| elem c ['A'..'Z'] = go c k 'A' |
| otherwise = c |
where go p key base = let rel = f (alphaIndex p) (alphaIndex key) |
r = 26 |
b = ord base |
in chr $ (mod rel r) + b |
-- wrote own zipWith variant which maps only when isAlpha |
vigenere :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] |
vigenere _ xs [] = xs -- necessary to avoid bottom |
vigenere f xs ys = myZipWith (shift f) xs ys |
where myZipWith _ [] _ = [] |
myZipWith f s [] = myZipWith f s ys |
myZipWith f (a:as) k@(b:bs) = |
if isAlpha a |
then f a b : myZipWith f as bs |
else a : myZipWith f as k |
readAll :: IO String |
readAll = do |
b <- try $ hWaitForInput stdin 5000 |
case b of |
Left e -> if isEOFError e |
then return "" |
else ioError e |
Right False -> do |
hPutStr stderr $ "Timeout." |
exitFailure |
Right True -> do |
c <- hGetChar stdin |
fmap (c:) readAll |
encrypt :: String -> IO () |
encrypt key = do |
s <- readAll |
let s' = vigenere (+) s key |
hPutStr stdout s' |
decrypt :: String -> IO () |
decrypt key = do |
s <- readAll |
let s' = vigenere (-) s key |
hPutStr stdout s' |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
args <- getArgs |
case args of |
["-e", key] -> encrypt key |
["-d", key] -> decrypt key |
otherwise -> putStrLn "Invalid arguments. Use (-d|-e) <key>." |
anotherWay :: IO () |
anotherWay = do |
args <- getArgs |
case args of |
["-e", key] -> interact $ flip (vigenere (+)) key |
["-d", key] -> interact $ flip (vigenere (-)) key |
otherwise -> putStrLn "Invalid arguments. Use (-d|-e) <key>." |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
module WhatHappens where |
import Control.Concurrent |
myData :: IO (MVar Int) |
myData = newEmptyMVar |
main :: IO () |
main = do |
mv <- myData |
putMVar mv 0 |
mv' <- myData |
putMVar mv' 0 |
zero <- takeMVar mv' |
print zero |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
don't parse me! |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
[Main] |
answer=42 |
name=gael ; this is a test |
[SubSection] |
description=hmmm |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
# boy o boy |
[Phasers] |
set=stun |
[Second] |
first=last |
Reference in new issue