Fix chapter 22

Gaël Depreeuw 7 years ago
parent 98e3373c8c
commit 2cf4da8c61
  1. 66
  2. 10
  3. 2
  4. 2
  5. 2
  6. 2
  7. 71
  8. 64

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# 22 Reader
## 22.2 Short Exercise: Warming up
## 22.5 Excercise: Ask
## 22.6 Exercise: Reading Comprehension
## 22.7 Exercise: Reader Monad
## 22.9 You can change what comes below, but not above
Trying to understand the following quote:
> You can swap in a different type or value of `r` for function that you call,
> but not for functions that call you.
Perhaps a better way of saying this would be:
> You can can choose the input for a function you are calling, but cannot
> change the input from within the function.
The input being the context of a `Reader`. This makes sense, consider:
`f :: a -> b`
When we call `f`, we can choose any input value or type to use. However, within
`f`, the value and type are fixed. Immutable. The same applies of course for
`Reader a b` as this is just a `newtype` for `f`.
f :: Reader Integer String
f = do
r <- ask
-- we cannot change r, but we can do operations on them
return $ show (r * r)
-- However, we can change the input for f when we call it:
g :: Reader Integer String
g = do
r <- ask
-- either via:
-- return $ runReader f (r + 1)
-- or:
withReader (+1) f
## 22.11 Chapter exercises
### A warmup stretch
### Rewriting Shawty
No idea if this is what was requested, but it works:

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Chapter Excercises
## A warmup stretch
see src/ReaderPractise
## Rewriting Shawty
No idea if this is correct.
see shawty-prime/app/Main.hs
I can create a `ReaderT` from `app` and that works, but I can't do the same with `saveURI` and `getURI` and find how to connect it up with `app`.

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Short Exercise: Warming Up
see src/warmingup.hs

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Excercise: Ask
see src/ask.hs

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Exercise: Reading Comprehension
see src/readingcomp.hs

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Exercise: Reader Monad
see src/readingcomp.hs

@ -29,27 +29,18 @@ shortyGen :: IO String
shortyGen =
replicateM 7 (randomElement alphaNum)
saveURI :: R.Connection
-> BC.ByteString
-> BC.ByteString
-> IO (Either R.Reply R.Status)
saveURI conn shortURI uri =
R.runRedis conn $ R.set shortURI uri
-- No idea how to use this now...
saveURI' :: BC.ByteString
-> BC.ByteString
-> ReaderT R.Connection IO (Either R.Reply R.Status)
saveURI' shortURI uri = do
conn <- ask
liftIO $ R.runRedis conn $ R.set shortURI uri
-- conn :: R.Connection
-- R.set shortURI uri :: R.RedisCtx m f => m (f R.Status)
-- R.runRedis conn $ R.set shortURI uri :: IO (Either R.Reply R.Status)
-- either liftIO or lift should work:
-- liftIO $ R.runRedis conn $ R.set shortURI uri
lift $ R.runRedis conn $ R.set shortURI uri
getURI :: R.Connection
-> BC.ByteString
-> IO (Either R.Reply (Maybe BC.ByteString))
getURI conn shortURI = R.runRedis conn $ R.get shortURI
-- No idea how to use this now...
getURI' :: BC.ByteString
-> ReaderT R.Connection IO (Either R.Reply (Maybe BC.ByteString))
getURI' shortURI = do
@ -97,53 +88,41 @@ myGet respIO = do
app :: ReaderT R.Connection ScottyM ()
app = do
-- get "/" :: ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
-- We need this to be a ReaderT R.Connection ScottyM ()
-- mapReaderT :: (m a -> n b) -> ReaderT r m a -> ReaderT r n b
-- Just what we need!
mapReaderT (get "/") $ do
-- We are in the ReaderT R.Connection ActionM () monad
-- param "uri" :: Parsable a => ActionM a
-- which we lift into the ReaderT R.Connection
-- lift :: m a -> t m a (t here is ReaderT R.Connection)
uri <- lift $ param "uri"
let parsedUri :: Maybe URI
parsedUri = parseURI (TL.unpack uri)
case parsedUri of
Just _ -> do
-- shortyGen :: IO String
-- needs to be made into ReaderT R.Connection ActionM a
-- liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
-- ReaderT R.Connection ActionM is an MonadIO, so we're good
shawty <- liftIO shortyGen
let shorty = BC.pack shawty
uri' = encodeUtf8 (TL.toStrict uri)
-- mySave shawty :: IO (Either R.reply R.status) -> ActionM ()
--we need to map that into the ReaderT using mapReaderT again
-- which gives us a
-- ReaderT R.Connection IO (Either R.Reply R.Status) ->
-- ReaderT R.Connection ActionM ()
mapReaderT (mySave shawty) $ saveURI' shorty uri'
-- text (shortyAintUri uri) :: ActionM () , so we lift this into
-- ReaderT R.Connection
Nothing -> lift $ text (shortyAintUri uri)
mapReaderT (get "/:short") $ do
short <- lift $ param "short"
mapReaderT myGet $ getURI' short
-- app :: ReaderT R.Connection ScottyM ()
-- app = do
-- rConn <- ask
-- lift $ do
-- get "/" $ do
-- uri <- param "uri"
-- let parsedUri :: Maybe URI
-- parsedUri = parseURI (TL.unpack uri)
-- case parsedUri of
-- Just _ -> do
-- shawty <- liftIO shortyGen
-- let shorty = BC.pack shawty
-- uri' = encodeUtf8 (TL.toStrict uri)
-- resp <- liftIO (saveURI rConn shorty uri')
-- html (shortyCreated resp shawty)
-- Nothing -> text (shortyAintUri uri)
-- get "/:short" $ do
-- short <- param "short"
-- uri <- liftIO (getURI rConn short)
-- case uri of
-- Left reply -> text (TL.pack (show reply))
-- Right mbBS -> case mbBS of
-- Nothing -> text "uri not found"
-- Just bs -> html (shortyFound tbs)
-- where tbs :: TL.Text
-- tbs = TL.fromStrict (decodeUtf8 bs)
main :: IO ()
main = do
rConn <- R.connect R.defaultConnectInfo
scotty 3000 $ runReaderT app rConn
-- main = do
-- rConn <- R.connect R.defaultConnectInfo
-- scotty 3000 (app rConn)

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module WithReaderT where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Class
ctxi :: Reader Integer String
ctxi = do
i <- ask
return $ show i
ctxb :: Reader Bool String
ctxb = do
b <- ask
return $ show b
trans :: Bool -> Integer
trans True = 1
trans False = 0
myWithReader :: (r' -> r) -> Reader r a -> Reader r' a
myWithReader f m = do
r' <- ask
reader $ \r -> runReader m (f r')
trans' :: Integer -> Bool
trans' 0 = False
trans' _ = True
foo :: (r -> r') -> Reader r a -> Reader r' a
foo f m = undefined -- impossible? Let's look at (r -> a)
foo' :: (r -> r') -> (r -> a) -> (r' -> a)
foo' f g = undefined -- impossible...
-- You cannot construct a (r' -> a) from (r -> r') and (r -> a), both functions
-- take an r as input, but we need a function that takes an r' as input.
-- Only way to make this work is by flipping (r -> r'), but then we basically
-- have withReader:
foo'' :: (r' -> r) -> (r -> a) -> (r' -> a)
foo'' f g = g . f
f :: Reader Integer String
f = do
r <- ask
-- we cannot change r, but we can do operations on them
return $ show (r * r)
-- However, we can change the input for f when we call it:
g :: Reader Integer String
g = do
r <- ask
-- either via:
-- return $ runReader f (r + 1)
-- or:
withReader (+1) f
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ runReader ctxi 100
putStrLn $ runReader ctxb False
putStrLn $ runReader (myWithReader trans ctxi) True
putStrLn $ runReader (myWithReader trans ctxi) False
putStrLn $ runReader (myWithReader trans' ctxb) 1
putStrLn $ runReader (myWithReader trans' ctxb) 0