Fix chapter 24

Gaël Depreeuw 7 years ago
parent b2adf49b7f
commit 3a1d972300
  1. 29
  2. 11
  3. 2
  4. 4
  5. 2
  6. 33
  7. 502
  8. 112
  9. 232
  10. 3
  11. 15

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# 24 Parser Combination
## 24.3 Parsing practise
## 24.4 Exercise: Unit of Success
`(>>)` is actually `(*>)` from `Applicative` and `Applicative` also has `(<*)`
which has type `Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a` So the solution here is:
`integer <* eof`
## 24.6 Exercise: Try Try
## 24.11 Chapter Exercises
1. [src/SemVer.hs](./src/SemVer.hs)
2. [src/PosInt.hs](./src/PosInt.hs)
3. [src/PosInt.hs](./src/PosInt.hs)
4. [src/PhoneNumber.hs](./src/PhoneNumber.hs)
5. [src/ParseLog.hs](./src/ParseLog.hs)
6. [src/IPAddress.hs](./src/IPAddress.hs)
7. [src/IPAddress.hs](./src/IPAddress.hs)
8. [src/IPAddress.hs](./src/IPAddress.hs)
9. [src/IPAddress.hs](./src/IPAddress.hs)
10. Probably not going to finish this at this time. It's a lot of the same
but just a lot more.

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# Chapter Exercises
1. see src/SemVer.hs
2. see src/PosInt.hs
3. see src/PosInt.hs
4. see src/PhoneNumber.hs
5. see src/ParseLog.hs
6. see src/IPAddress.hs
7. see src/IPAddress.hs
8. see src/IPAddress.hs
9. see src/IPAddress.hs
10. Not done (yet).

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Exercises: Parsing Practise
see src/LearnParsers.hs

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# Exercise: Unit of Success
`(>>)` is actually `(*>)` from `Applicative` and `Applicative` also has `(<*)` which has type `Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a`
So the solution here is: `integer <* eof`

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Exercise: Try Try
see src/TryTry.hs

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module DOTParser where
import Text.Trifecta
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
iChar :: Char -> Parser Char
iChar c = char (toLower c) <|> char (toUpper c)
iString :: String -> Parser String
iString s = sequenceA $ fmap iChar s
data CompassPT = N | NE | E | SE | S | SW | W | NW | C | O deriving (Show, Eq)
pCompass :: Parser CompassPT
pCompass =
-- North
try (iString "ne" *> pure NE) <|>
try (iString "nw" *> pure NW) <|>
(iString "n" *> pure N) <|>
-- East
(iString "e" *> pure E) <|>
-- South
try (iString "se" *> pure SE) <|>
try (iString "sw" *> pure SW) <|>
(iString "s" *> pure S) <|>
-- West
(iString "w" *> pure W) <|>
-- Others
(iString "c" *> pure C) <|> (string "_" *> pure O)
newtype ID = ID String deriving (Eq, Show)

@ -2,21 +2,139 @@
module IPAddress where module IPAddress where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2, liftA3)
import Text.Trifecta hiding (span) import Text.Trifecta hiding (span)
import Data.Word import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import Data.Bits import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.))
import Data.List (splitAt) import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Numeric (readHex, showHex) import Text.Parser.Char (char)
import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (toLower, ord)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.List (intersperse, span)
-- import Data.List (group, span) import Numeric (showHex)
import Data.Either (lefts)
-- import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec
-- Exercise 6 -- Exercise 6
data IPAddress = IPAddress Word32 deriving (Eq, Ord) data IPAddress = IPAddress Word32 deriving (Eq, Ord)
parseDecOctet :: CharParsing m => m Integer
parseDecOctet =
fmap read $ case1 <|> case2 <|> case3 <|> case4 <|> case5
where case1 = try $ sequenceA [char '2', char '5', oneOf "012345"]
case2 = try $ sequenceA [char '2', oneOf "01234", digit]
case3 = try $ sequenceA [char '1', digit, digit]
case4 = try $ sequenceA [oneOf "123456789", digit]
case5 = pure <$> digit
shiftLFolder :: Int -> [Integer] -> Integer
shiftLFolder i = fst . foldr f (0, 0)
where f a (t, s) = ((a `shiftL` s) + t, s + i)
parseIPv4Address :: CharParsing m => m IPAddress
parseIPv4Address =
let wDot = char '.' *> parseDecOctet
words = liftA2 (:) parseDecOctet $ replicateM 3 wDot
in IPAddress . fromInteger . shiftLFolder 8 <$> words
-- Exercise 7
data IPAddress6 = IPAddress6 Word64 Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- From RFC 3986
-- IPv6address = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32
-- / "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
-- / [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
-- / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
-- / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
-- / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32
-- / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32
-- / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16
-- / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
-- h16 = 1*4HEXDIG
-- ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
-- "::" = Cons
data IPv6ParseOption =
NoCons | Cons0 | Cons1 | Cons2 | Cons3 | Cons4 | Cons5 | Cons6 | Cons7
-- This is just the representation of the ABNF from the RFC
parseIPv6Address :: Parser IPAddress6
parseIPv6Address = fmap f $ (try $ parseOption NoCons)
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons0)
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons1)
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons2)
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons3)
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons4)
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons5)
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons6)
<|> parseOption Cons7
where f = integerToIPv6Address . shiftLFolder 16
integerToIPv6Address :: Integer -> IPAddress6
integerToIPv6Address n =
let [w1, w2] = fmap f [n `shiftR` 64, n]
f = fromInteger . (.&. 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
in IPAddress6 w1 w2
parseOption :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer]
parseOption o = liftA3 f (parseFirst o) (parseMiddle o) (parseLast o)
where f s1 s2 s3 = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3
parseFirst :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer]
parseFirst o = case o of
NoCons -> pure []
Cons0 -> string "::" *> pure [0]
Cons1 -> (try $ lower Cons0) <|> go 0
Cons2 -> (try $ lower Cons1) <|> go 1
Cons3 -> (try $ lower Cons2) <|> go 2
Cons4 -> (try $ lower Cons3) <|> go 3
Cons5 -> (try $ lower Cons4) <|> go 4
Cons6 -> (try $ lower Cons5) <|> go 5
Cons7 -> (try $ lower Cons6) <|> go 6
where lower o' = liftA2 (++) (parseFirst o') (pure [0])
go n = liftA2 (++) (rep n) (parseFirst Cons0)
rep n = liftA2 (++) (replicateM n piece) end
piece = parseH16 <* char ':'
end = sequenceA [parseH16]
parseMiddle :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer]
parseMiddle o = case o of
NoCons -> rep 6
Cons0 -> rep 5
Cons1 -> rep 4
Cons2 -> rep 3
Cons3 -> rep 2
Cons4 -> rep 1
otherwise -> pure []
where rep n = replicateM n (parseH16 <* char ':')
parseLast :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer]
paresLast Cons6 = sequenceA [parseH16]
parseLast Cons7 = pure []
parseLast _ = parseLs32
parseLs32 :: Parser [Integer]
parseLs32 = try case1 <|> case2
where case1 = sequenceA [parseH16 <* char ':', parseH16]
case2 = toWord16s <$> parseIPv4Address
toWord16s (IPAddress w) =
let w' = toInteger w
in fmap (.&. 0xFFFF) [w' `shiftR` 16, w']
parseH16 :: Parser Integer
parseH16 = fmap (shiftLFolder 4) $ try four <|> try three <|> try two <|> one
where four = replicateM 4 parseHexDig
three = replicateM 3 parseHexDig
two = replicateM 2 parseHexDig
one = replicateM 1 parseHexDig
parseHexDig :: Parser Integer
parseHexDig = d <|> h
where d = read <$> sequenceA [digit]
h = f . toLower <$> oneOf "abcdefABCDEF"
f c = toInteger $ ord c - ord 'a' + 10
-- Exercise 8
instance Show IPAddress where instance Show IPAddress where
show (IPAddress w32) = show (IPAddress w32) =
let n = toInteger w32 let n = toInteger w32
@ -25,36 +143,54 @@ instance Show IPAddress where
show ((n `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++ show ((n `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++
show (n .&. 0xFF) show (n .&. 0xFF)
parseValidIPByte :: Parser Word8 -- RFC 5952
parseValidIPByte = do instance Show IPAddress6 where
i <- decimal show i = concat $ intersperse ":" $ processed
let max' = toInteger (maxBound :: Word8) where processed = fmap fix longest
min' = toInteger (minBound :: Word8) longest = repLongestListOfZeroes $ collapseZeroes asStrings
if i <= max' && i >= min' asStrings = fmap (flip showHex "") (toArray i)
then return (fromInteger i) fix x = if length x > 1 then intersperse ':' x else x
else unexpected "Invalid byte"
toArray :: IPAddress6 -> [Integer]
parseIPv4Address :: Parser IPAddress toArray (IPAddress6 w1 w2) = go w1 ++ go w2
parseIPv4Address = do where go w = reverse $ take 4 $ f (toInteger w)
b1 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte f w = w .&. mask : f (w `shiftR` 16)
_ <- char '.' mask = 0xFFFF
b2 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte
_ <- char '.' collapseZeroes :: [String] -> [String]
b3 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte collapseZeroes [] = []
_ <- char '.' collapseZeroes xs = nonZeroes ++ zeroes ++ remainder
b4 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte where (nonZeroes, rest) = span (/= "0") xs
return $ IPAddress . fromInteger $ (b1 `shiftL` 24) + (zeroes', rest') = span (== "0") rest
(b2 `shiftL` 16) + zeroes = [concat zeroes']
(b3 `shiftL` 8) + remainder = collapseZeroes rest'
repLongestListOfZeroes :: [String] -> [String]
repLongestListOfZeroes xs = h ++ rep t
where (h, t) = span (p . length) xs
p x = (max' < 2) || (x /= max')
max' = maximum $ fmap length xs
rep [] = []
rep (x:xs) = "":xs
-- Exercise 9
toIPAddress6 :: IPAddress -> IPAddress6
toIPAddress6 (IPAddress w32) = IPAddress6 0 (fromIntegral w32)
toIPAddress :: IPAddress6 -> Maybe IPAddress
toIPAddress (IPAddress6 w64 w64')
| w64 /= 0 = Nothing
| w64' > (fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Word32)) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ IPAddress (fromIntegral w64')
-- Tests
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing maybeSuccess _ = Nothing
-- IPv4
testByteHelper :: String -> Maybe Word8 -> Expectation testDecOctetHelper :: String -> Maybe Integer -> Expectation
testByteHelper s r = do testDecOctetHelper s r = do
let m = parseString parseValidIPByte mempty s let m = parseString parseDecOctet mempty s
r' = maybeSuccess m r' = maybeSuccess m
r' `shouldBe` r r' `shouldBe` r
@ -64,14 +200,19 @@ testIPv4Helper s r = do
r' = maybeSuccess m r' = maybeSuccess m
r' `shouldBe` r r' `shouldBe` r
testByte :: IO () testDecOctet :: IO ()
testByte = hspec $ do testDecOctet = hspec $ do
describe "Test parsing of byte" $ do describe "Test parsing of byte" $ do
it "Can parse 0" $ testByteHelper "0" (Just 0) it "Can parse 0" $ testDecOctetHelper "0" (Just 0)
it "Can parse 255" $ testByteHelper "255" (Just 255) it "Can parse 10" $ testDecOctetHelper "10" (Just 10)
it "Can't parse 256" $ testByteHelper "256" Nothing it "Can parse 100" $ testDecOctetHelper "100" (Just 100)
it "Can't parse -1" $ testByteHelper "-1" Nothing it "Can parse 249" $ testDecOctetHelper "249" (Just 249)
it "Can't parse empty" $ testByteHelper "" Nothing it "Can parse 255" $ testDecOctetHelper "255" (Just 255)
it "Can parse 260 as 26" $ testDecOctetHelper "256" (Just 25)
it "Can parse 256 as 25" $ testDecOctetHelper "256" (Just 25)
it "Can parse 2550 as 255" $ testDecOctetHelper "2550s" (Just 255)
it "Can't parse -1" $ testDecOctetHelper "-1" Nothing
it "Can't parse empty" $ testDecOctetHelper "" Nothing
testIPv4 :: IO () testIPv4 :: IO ()
testIPv4 = hspec $ do testIPv4 = hspec $ do
@ -87,188 +228,99 @@ testIPv4 = hspec $ do
it "Can't parse 0..0.0.0" $ do it "Can't parse 0..0.0.0" $ do
testIPv4Helper "0..0.0.0" Nothing testIPv4Helper "0..0.0.0" Nothing
toIPAddress6 :: IPAddress -> IPAddress6 -- IPv6
toIPAddress6 (IPAddress w32) = IPAddress6 0 (fromIntegral w32) testParseFirstHelper :: IPv6ParseOption
-> String
-- Exercise 7 -> Maybe [Integer]
-> Expectation
-- Datatypes: testParseFirstHelper o s r = do
data IPAddress6 = IPAddress6 Word64 Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord) let m = parseString (parseFirst o) mempty s
-- An IPv6Piece is the part between ':', it can be either r' = maybeSuccess m
-- "::" or "ABCD" r' `shouldBe` r
type IPv6Piece = Either () Word16
toArray :: IPAddress6 -> [Word16]
toArray (IPAddress6 w64 w64') =
let n = toInteger w64
m = toInteger w64'
mask = fromInteger . (\a -> (.&.) a 0xFFFF)
in mask (n `shiftR` 48) :
mask (n `shiftR` 32) :
mask (n `shiftR` 16) :
mask n :
mask (m `shiftR` 48) :
mask (m `shiftR` 32) :
mask (m `shiftR` 16) :
mask m : []
toArray' :: [Word16] -> [Either Int Word16]
toArray' [] = []
toArray' s@(0:0:_) = (Left $ length ys) : (toArray' zs)
where (ys, zs) = span (==0) s
toArray' (x:xs) = (Right x) : toArray' xs
findMax :: [Either Int Word16] -> Maybe Int
findMax xs = go $ lefts xs
where go [] = Nothing
go ys = Just $ maximum ys
replaceLeft :: Int -> [Either Int Word16] -> [IPv6Piece]
replaceLeft m xs = go m xs False
where go _ [] _ = []
go i ((Right c):ys) b = (Right c) : (go i ys b)
go i ((Left c):ys) False =
if (c == i)
then (Left ()) : (go i ys True)
else (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys False)
go i ((Left c):ys) True = (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys True)
showPieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> String
showPieces [] = ""
showPieces ((Right c):ys) = (showHex c "") ++ (go ys)
where go [] = []
go (Right c':zs) = ":" ++ (showHex c' "") ++ (go zs)
go zs = showPieces zs
showPieces ((Left ():ys)) = "::" ++ (showPieces ys)
instance Show IPAddress6 where testParseFirst :: IO ()
show p = let xs = toArray' (toArray p) testParseFirst = hspec $ do
in showPieces $ (case findMax xs of describe "Test parsing of parseFirst NoCons" $ do
Nothing -> replaceLeft 0 xs it "Can parse anything" $ do
(Just i) -> replaceLeft i xs) testParseFirstHelper NoCons "" (Just [])
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons0" $ do
validHex :: String it "Can parse only '::'" $ do
validHex = "abcdefABCDEF0123456789" testParseFirstHelper Cons0 "::" (Just [0])
it "Cannot parse non '::'" $ do
-- Helper functions testParseFirstHelper Cons0 "a::" (Nothing)
-- only parses [0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4} describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons1" $ do
readWord16 :: String -> Maybe Word16 it "Can parse only '::'" $ do
readWord16 s = testParseFirstHelper Cons1 "::" (Just [0, 0])
let r = readHex (take 4 s) :: [(Word16, String)] it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do
in case r of testParseFirstHelper Cons1 "f::" (Just [15,0])
((w,s'):[]) -> if s' == "" then Just w else Nothing it "Cannot parse f:f::" $ do
_ -> Nothing testParseFirstHelper Cons1 "f:f::" Nothing
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons2" $ do
mkWord64 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word64 it "Can parse only '::'" $ do
mkWord64 a b c d = (fromIntegral a `shiftL` 48) + testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0])
(fromIntegral b `shiftL` 32) + it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do
(fromIntegral c `shiftL` 16) + testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "f::" (Just [15,0,0])
(fromIntegral d) it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do
testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0])
mkIPAddress6 :: [Word16] -> Maybe IPAddress6 it "Cannot parse f:f:f::" $ do
mkIPAddress6 xs = testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "f:f:f::" Nothing
case length xs of describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons3" $ do
8 -> let (a,b) = splitAt 4 xs it "Can parse only '::'" $ do
w1 = (mkWord64 (a !! 0) (a !! 1) (a !! 2) (a !! 3)) testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0, 0])
w2 = (mkWord64 (b !! 0) (b !! 1) (b !! 2) (b !! 3)) it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do
in Just $ IPAddress6 w1 w2 testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f::" (Just [15,0,0,0])
_ -> Nothing it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do
testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0,0])
expandIPv6Pieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe [Word16] it "Can parse 'f:f:f::'" $ do
expandIPv6Pieces xs = testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,0])
case length $ filter (==(Left ())) xs of it "Cannot parse f:f:f:f::" $ do
0 -> Just $ foldr f [] xs testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f:f:f:f::" Nothing
1 -> Just $ foldr g [] xs describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons4" $ do
_ -> Nothing it "Can parse only '::'" $ do
where f (Left _) s = s testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
f (Right c) s = c:s it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do
n = max (9 - (length xs)) 0 testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f::" (Just [15,0,0,0, 0])
g (Left _) s = (take n $ repeat 0) ++ s it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do
g (Right c) s = c:s testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0,0,0])
it "Can parse 'f:f:f::'" $ do
getIPAddress6 :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe IPAddress6 testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,0, 0])
getIPAddress6 xs = expandIPv6Pieces xs >>= mkIPAddress6 it "Can parse f:f:f:f::" $ do
testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,15, 0])
type IPv6State = Bool it "Cannot parse f:f:f:f:f::" $ do
type IPv6Parser a = StateT IPv6State Parser a testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f:f:f:f::" Nothing
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons5" $ do
-- Parsing the individual pieces: it "Can parse only '::'" $ do
-- hex, 1-4 hexes, ':', '::' testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
parseSingleHex :: IPv6Parser Char it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do
parseSingleHex = do testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f::" (Just [15,0,0,0, 0, 0])
c <- oneOf validHex it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do
return c testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0,0,0, 0])
it "Can parse 'f:f:f::'" $ do
parseIPv6Hex :: IPv6Parser Word16 testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,0, 0, 0])
parseIPv6Hex = do it "Can parse f:f:f:f::" $ do
c1 <- parseSingleHex <?> "At least one hex" testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,15, 0, 0])
o <- mapStateT f $ count 3 $ optional parseSingleHex it "Can parse f:f:f:f:f::" $ do
let s = c1 : (fromMaybe "" o) testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,15,15, 0])
case readWord16 s of it "Cannot parse f:f:f:f:f:f::" $ do
Just w -> return w testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f:f:f:f::" Nothing
Nothing -> unexpected $ "Invalid piece: " ++ s -- rest is copy-paste but also not necessary since they're all
where f :: Parser ([Maybe Char], IPv6State) -- handled the same way in the parseFirst method.
-> Parser (Maybe [Char], IPv6State)
f = fmap (\(c,b) -> (sequence c, b))
testIPv6Helper :: String -> Maybe IPAddress6 -> Expectation
parseSep :: IPv6Parser String testIPv6Helper s r = do
parseSep = do let m = parseString parseIPv6Address mempty s
c <- string ":" r' = maybeSuccess m
return c r' `shouldBe` r
parseCons :: IPv6Parser (Maybe IPv6Piece)
parseCons = do
b <- get
c <- optional $ string "::"
case c of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just _ -> if b
then unexpected "Only one '::' allowed"
else do
put True
return (Just $ Left ())
-- Parses:
-- ::ABCD
-- :ABCD
parseInnerParts :: IPv6Parser [IPv6Piece]
parseInnerParts = do
c <- parseCons
case c of
Nothing -> do
w <- parseIPv6Hex
return [Right w]
Just _ -> do
w <- parseIPv6Hex
return [Left (), Right w]
parseIPv6Address :: IPv6Parser IPAddress6
parseIPv6Address = do
c <- parseCons
w <- parseIPv6Hex
a <- case c of
Nothing -> do
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts
c' <- parseCons
case c' of
Nothing -> return ([Right w] ++ xs)
Just _ -> return ([Right w] ++ xs ++ [Left ()])
Just _ -> do
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts
return $ ([Left ()] ++ [Right w] ++ xs)
case getIPAddress6 a of
Nothing -> unexpected "Invalid format"
Just a' -> return a'
where f :: Parser ([[IPv6Piece]], IPv6State)
-> Parser ([IPv6Piece], IPv6State)
f = fmap (\(xs, b) -> (concat xs, b))
toIPAddress :: IPAddress6 -> Maybe IPAddress testIPv6 :: IO ()
toIPAddress (IPAddress6 w64 w64') testIPv6 = hspec $ do
| w64 /= 0 = Nothing describe "Test parsing of IPv6" $ do
| w64' > (fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Word32)) = Nothing it "Can parse 0:0:1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do
| otherwise = Just $ IPAddress (fromIntegral w64') testIPv6Helper "0:0:1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536))
it "Can parse ::0:1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do
testIPv6Helper "::0:1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536))
it "Can parse ::1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do
testIPv6Helper "::1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536))
it "Can parse 0::1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do
testIPv6Helper "0::1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536))

@ -3,15 +3,18 @@
module ParseLog where module ParseLog where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2) import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2, liftA3)
import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Trifecta import Text.Trifecta
import Data.Time.Format import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time import Data.Time
import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.List (intersperse)
import Text.RawString.QQ import Text.RawString.QQ
import Text.Parser.Token
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Maybe
import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Char
data LogEntry = LogEntry TimeOfDay String deriving Eq data LogEntry = LogEntry TimeOfDay String deriving Eq
instance Show LogEntry where instance Show LogEntry where
@ -20,7 +23,10 @@ instance Show LogEntry where
in time ++ " " ++ s in time ++ " " ++ s
instance Arbitrary LogEntry where instance Arbitrary LogEntry where
arbitrary = do arbitrary = do
tod <- TimeOfDay <$> choose (0,23) <*> choose (0,59) <*> pure 0 tod <- liftA3 TimeOfDay
(choose (0,23))
(choose (0,59))
(pure 0)
s <- liftA2 (++) s <- liftA2 (++)
arbitrary arbitrary
(oneof [((++) "--") <$> arbitrary, arbitrary]) (oneof [((++) "--") <$> arbitrary, arbitrary])
@ -62,64 +68,78 @@ countDay (DayEntry _ e) = countTimeSpentDay e
countTime :: Log -> DiffTime countTime :: Log -> DiffTime
countTime (Log ds) = sum $ map countDay ds countTime (Log ds) = sum $ map countDay ds
skipBlankLines :: Parser () skipComment :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m ()
skipBlankLines = skipComment = token $ do
skipMany $ (skipWhiteSpace >> skipComment >> newline) <|> string "--"
(skipWhiteSpace >> newline) manyTill anyChar $ try newline
return ()
skipComment :: Parser () myToken :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m a -> m a
skipComment = skipMany $ do myToken p = token p <* (token $ skipSome skipComment <|> pure ())
_ <- count 2 $ char '-'
skipMany $ notChar '\n'
skipWhiteSpace :: Parser () -- token :: m a -> m a
skipWhiteSpace = skipMany $ oneOf "\t " -- token p = p <* (someSpace <|> pure ())
removeComment :: String -> String parseHour :: Parser String
removeComment [] = [] parseHour = case1 <|> case2
removeComment (x:xs) = go "" x False xs where case1 = sequenceA [oneOf "01", digit]
where go s '-' True _ = s -- skip comment case2 = sequenceA [char '2', oneOf "0123"]
go s '-' False [] = s ++ "-" -- ended with '-'
go s c _ [] = s ++ [c] -- ended without comment
go s '-' False (y:ys) = go s y True ys -- possible start of comment
go s c _ (y:ys) = go (s ++ [c]) y False ys
parseMinutes :: Parser String
parseMinutes = sequenceA [ oneOf "012345", digit]
parseLogEntry :: Parser LogEntry parseTimeOfDay :: Parser TimeOfDay
parseLogEntry = do parseTimeOfDay = do
t <- count 2 digit <> string ":" <> count 2 digit timeString <- parseHour <> string ":" <> parseMinutes
let m = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" t case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" timeString of
timeOfDay <- case m of
Just time -> return time Just time -> return time
Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect time format" Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect time format"
_ <- space
s <- some $ notChar '\n'
_ <- newline
return $ LogEntry timeOfDay (removeComment s)
parseDayEntry :: Parser DayEntry parseLogEntry :: Parser LogEntry
parseDayEntry = do parseLogEntry = myToken $ do
_ <- char '#' tod <- parseTimeOfDay
_ <- space space
d <- some digit <> string "-" s <- manyTill anyChar ((newline >> return ()) <|> skipComment)
<> count 2 digit <> string "-" return $ LogEntry tod s
<> count 2 digit
let m = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" d parseYear :: Parser String
day <- case m of parseYear = count 4 digit
-- This is actually also a cool way to do this, where the year
-- can consist up to 4 digits instead of 4, but this is not in the spirit of
-- the exercise I believe. year should be in "YYYY" format.
-- parseYear = liftA2 (:) digit (catMaybes <$> replicateM 3 d)
-- where d = try $ optional digit
parseMonth :: Parser String
parseMonth = case1 <|> case2
where case1 = sequenceA [ char '0', digit ]
case2 = sequenceA [ char '1', oneOf "012"]
parseDay :: Parser String
parseDay = case1 <|> case2
where case1 = sequenceA [ oneOf "012", digit ]
case2 = sequenceA [ char '3', oneOf "01" ]
parseDay' :: Parser Day
parseDay' = do
day <- parseYear <> string "-" <> parseMonth <> string "-" <> parseDay
case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" day of
Just day' -> return day' Just day' -> return day'
Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect day format" Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect day format"
-- only thing allowed after day is whitespace and comments
skipWhiteSpace parseDayEntry :: Parser DayEntry
skipComment parseDayEntry = myToken $ do
_ <- newline char '#'
-- Followed by a list of paserLogEntries space
day <- myToken $ parseDay'
logEntries <- many parseLogEntry logEntries <- many parseLogEntry
return $ DayEntry day logEntries return $ DayEntry day logEntries
parseLog :: Parser Log parseLog :: Parser Log
parseLog = do parseLog = do
skipBlankLines whiteSpace
skipMany skipComment
dayEntries <- many parseDayEntry dayEntries <- many parseDayEntry
return $ Log dayEntries return $ Log dayEntries

@ -3,13 +3,23 @@
module PhoneNumber where module PhoneNumber where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Text.Trifecta import Text.Trifecta
import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as QP
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
-- This is an exercise for the Belgian Phone numbers system -- This is an exercise for the Belgian Phone numbers system
-- From wikipedia -- From wikipedia
{- {-
Belgian telephone numbers consist of two major parts: Firstly '0', secondly the Belgian telephone numbers consist of 3 major parts: First '0', second the
"zone prefix" (A) which is 1 or 2 digits long for landlines and 3 digits long "zone prefix" (A) which is 1 or 2 digits long for landlines and 3 digits long
for mobile phones and thirdly the "subscriber's number" (B). for mobile phones and thirdly the "subscriber's number" (B).
@ -46,6 +56,7 @@ data ZonePrefix = MobileZP String
| LandOneZP String | LandOneZP String
| LandTwoZP String | LandTwoZP String
deriving (Eq) deriving (Eq)
instance Show ZonePrefix where instance Show ZonePrefix where
show (MobileZP s) = "0" ++ s show (MobileZP s) = "0" ++ s
show (LandOneZP s) = " 0" ++ s show (LandOneZP s) = " 0" ++ s
@ -55,6 +66,7 @@ data SubscribersNumber = MobileSN String
| LandOneSN String | LandOneSN String
| LandTwoSN String | LandTwoSN String
deriving (Eq) deriving (Eq)
instance Show SubscribersNumber where instance Show SubscribersNumber where
show (LandOneSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:[])) = a:b:c:" " ++ d:e:" " ++ f:g:[] show (LandOneSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:[])) = a:b:c:" " ++ d:e:" " ++ f:g:[]
show (LandOneSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s show (LandOneSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s
@ -64,43 +76,32 @@ instance Show SubscribersNumber where
show (LandTwoSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s show (LandTwoSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s
data PhoneNumberBE = PhoneNumberBE ZonePrefix SubscribersNumber deriving Eq data PhoneNumberBE = PhoneNumberBE ZonePrefix SubscribersNumber deriving Eq
instance Show PhoneNumberBE where instance Show PhoneNumberBE where
show (PhoneNumberBE z s) = "(PhoneNumberBE " ++ show z show (PhoneNumberBE z s) = "(PhoneNumberBE " ++ show z
++ " " ++ " "
++ show s ++ show s
++ ")" ++ ")"
-- Mobile numbers are: 046x 047x 048x 049x -- Mobile numbers are: 046x 047x 048x 049x
-- Land lines are most other things where: -- Land lines are most other things where:
-- 02,03,04 and 09 are single digit land line area codes -- 02,03,04 and 09 are single digit land line area codes
-- the rest are two digit land line phone -- the rest are two digit land line phone
parseZonePrefix :: Parser ZonePrefix parseZonePrefix :: Parser ZonePrefix
parseZonePrefix = parseZonePrefix =
let mobile = MobileZP <$> do let mobile = do
one <- char '4' one <- char '4'
two <- oneOf ['6', '7', '8', '9'] two <- oneOf ['6', '7', '8', '9']
three <- digit three <- digit
return $ [one, two, three] return $ MobileZP [one, two, three]
landOne = LandOneZP . (:[]) <$> oneOf ['2', '3', '4', '9'] landOne = LandOneZP . (:[]) <$> oneOf ['2', '3', '4', '9']
landTwo = LandTwoZP <$> count 2 digit landTwo = LandTwoZP <$> count 2 digit
-- Order is important, we want to check mobile first, followed by -- Order is important, we want to check mobile first, followed by
-- landOne. Everything else is assumed to be land two -- landOne. Everything else is assumed to be land two
in mobile <|> landOne <|> landTwo in try mobile <|> landOne <|> landTwo
parseMobileSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber
parseMobileSN = do
let p = count 2 digit
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.'
p1 <- p
p2 <- p
p3 <- p
return . MobileSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3
parseLandTwoSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber parseSNOfSix :: Parser String
parseLandTwoSN = do parseSNOfSix = do
let p = count 2 digit let p = count 2 digit
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.' skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.'
p1 <- p p1 <- p
@ -108,10 +109,10 @@ parseLandTwoSN = do
p2 <- p p2 <- p
skip skip
p3 <- p p3 <- p
return . LandTwoSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3 return $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3
parseLandOneSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber parseSNOfSeven :: Parser String
parseLandOneSN = do parseSNOfSeven = do
let p = count 2 digit let p = count 2 digit
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.' skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.'
p1 <- count 3 digit p1 <- count 3 digit
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ parseLandOneSN = do
p2 <- p p2 <- p
skip skip
p3 <- p p3 <- p
return . LandTwoSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3 return $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3
parsePhone :: Parser PhoneNumberBE parsePhone :: Parser PhoneNumberBE
parsePhone = do parsePhone = do
@ -128,7 +129,6 @@ parsePhone = do
-- white space -- white space
skipMany $ char ' ' skipMany $ char ' '
-- Leading zero depends on country code -- Leading zero depends on country code
skipOptional $ char ' '
_ <- case m of _ <- case m of
Just _ -> do Just _ -> do
a <- optional $ char '0' a <- optional $ char '0'
@ -139,34 +139,176 @@ parsePhone = do
z <- parseZonePrefix z <- parseZonePrefix
skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '/' skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '/'
s <- case z of s <- case z of
MobileZP _ -> parseMobileSN MobileZP _ -> MobileSN <$> parseSNOfSix
LandOneZP _ -> parseLandOneSN LandOneZP _ -> LandOneSN <$> parseSNOfSix
LandTwoZP _ -> parseLandTwoSN LandTwoZP _ -> LandTwoSN <$> parseSNOfSeven
return $ PhoneNumberBE z s return $ PhoneNumberBE z s
-- Tests
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing maybeSuccess _ = Nothing
-- Should test all options for mobile and single-digit land lines, -- ZonePrefix
-- but that is just copy-paste... QuickCheck could also help. validMobileZonePrefix :: [String]
main :: IO () validMobileZonePrefix =
main = hspec $ do [(++) "4"] <*> (map ((++) . show) [6..9] <*> map show [0..9])
describe "Parse Zone Prefix" $ do
it "Mobile starts with 4[6-9]x " $ do validLandOneZonePrefix :: [String]
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "472" validLandOneZonePrefix = ["2", "3", "4", "9"]
validLandTwoZonePrefix :: [String]
validLandTwoZonePrefix =
map (++) ["1", "5", "6", "7", "8"] <*> map show [0..9]
invalidZonePrefix :: [String]
invalidZonePrefix = ["0", "a"]
validMobileZonePrefixTest :: (String -> ZonePrefix) -> String -> SpecWith ()
validMobileZonePrefixTest zp input = do
it ("Zone prefix: " ++ input) $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty input
r = maybeSuccess m r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just (MobileZP "472") r `shouldBe` Just (zp input)
it "Incorrect mobile zone prefix should fail" $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "47" invalidZonePrefixTest :: String -> SpecWith ()
invalidZonePrefixTest input = do
it ("Zone prefix: " ++ input) $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty input
r = maybeSuccess m r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Nothing r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Land line with single digit" $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "2" zonePrefixTests :: Spec
r = maybeSuccess m zonePrefixTests = do
r `shouldBe` Just (LandOneZP "2") describe "Parsing valid Mobile Zone Prefixes" $ do
it "Land line with double digit" $ do mapM_ (validMobileZonePrefixTest MobileZP) validMobileZonePrefix
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "55" describe "Parsing valid Land One Zone Prefixes" $ do
r = maybeSuccess m mapM_ (validMobileZonePrefixTest LandOneZP) validLandOneZonePrefix
r `shouldBe` Just (LandTwoZP "55") describe "Parsing valid Land Two Zone Prefixes" $ do
-- ... mapM_ (validMobileZonePrefixTest LandTwoZP) validLandTwoZonePrefix
describe "Parsing invalid Zone Prefixes" $ do
mapM_ invalidZonePrefixTest invalidZonePrefix
gen_MobileZP :: Gen String
gen_MobileZP = do
c1 <- elements ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
c2 <- elements ['6', '7', '8', '9']
return $ ['4', c2, c1]
gen_LandOneZP :: Gen String
gen_LandOneZP = elements ["2", "3", "4", "9"]
gen_LandTwoZP :: Gen String
gen_LandTwoZP = do
c1 <- elements ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
c2 <- elements ['1', '5', '6', '7', '8']
return $ [c2, c1]
prop_ZP :: Gen String -> (String -> ZonePrefix) -> QP.Property
prop_ZP g c = QP.forAll g $ \input ->
let r = maybeSuccess m
m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty input
in isJust r
-- Subscriber Number
gen_MobileSN :: Gen String
gen_MobileSN = do
let c = elements ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
p1 <- replicateM 2 c
r <- replicateM 2 $ do
s1 <- elements [" ", "."]
p2 <- replicateM 2 c
return $ s1 ++ p2
return $ p1 ++ (concat r)
gen_LandOneSN :: String -> Gen String
gen_LandOneSN zp = do
let c = elements ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
c1 <- case zp of
"4" -> elements ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
otherwise -> c
c2 <- c
r <- replicateM 2 $ do
s1 <- elements [" ", "."]
p2 <- replicateM 2 c
return $ s1 ++ p2
return $ c1:c2:(concat r)
gen_LandOneSN' :: Gen String
gen_LandOneSN' = do
zp <- gen_LandOneZP
gen_LandOneSN zp
gen_LandTwoSN :: Gen String
gen_LandTwoSN = do
let c = elements ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
p1 <- replicateM 3 c
r <- replicateM 2 $ do
s1 <- elements [" ", "."]
p2 <- replicateM 2 c
return $ s1 ++ p2
return $ p1 ++ (concat r)
prop_SN :: Gen String -> Parser String -> QP.Property
prop_SN g p = QP.forAll g $ \input ->
let r = maybeSuccess m
m = parseString p mempty input
in isJust r
-- Phone Number
gen_Spaces :: Gen String
gen_Spaces = listOf $ return ' '
gen_CountryCode :: Gen String
gen_CountryCode = do
sp <- gen_Spaces
return $ "+32" ++ sp
gen_NoCountryCode :: Gen String
gen_NoCountryCode = do
sp <- gen_Spaces
return $ sp ++ "0"
gen_MobileNumber :: Gen String
gen_MobileNumber = do
cc <- oneof [gen_CountryCode, gen_NoCountryCode]
zp <- gen_MobileZP
sep <- elements ["/", " ", ""]
sn <- gen_MobileSN
return $ cc ++ zp ++ sep ++ sn
gen_LandOneNumber :: Gen String
gen_LandOneNumber = do
cc <- oneof [gen_CountryCode, gen_NoCountryCode]
zp <- gen_LandOneZP
sep <- elements ["/", " ", ""]
sn <- gen_LandOneSN zp
return $ cc ++ zp ++ sep ++ sn
gen_LandTwoNumber :: Gen String
gen_LandTwoNumber = do
cc <- oneof [gen_CountryCode, gen_NoCountryCode]
zp <- gen_LandTwoZP
sep <- elements ["/", " ", ""]
sn <- gen_LandTwoSN
return $ cc ++ zp ++ sep ++ sn
prop_PhoneNumberBE :: QP.Property
prop_PhoneNumberBE = QP.forAll g $ \input ->
let r = maybeSuccess m
m = parseString parsePhone mempty input
in isJust r
where g = oneof [gen_MobileNumber, gen_LandOneNumber, gen_LandTwoNumber]
main :: IO ()
main = do
hspec $ do
Q.quickCheck $ prop_ZP gen_MobileZP MobileZP
Q.quickCheck $ prop_ZP gen_LandOneZP LandOneZP
Q.quickCheck $ prop_ZP gen_LandTwoZP LandTwoZP
Q.quickCheck $ prop_SN gen_MobileSN parseSNOfSix
Q.quickCheck $ prop_SN gen_LandOneSN' parseSNOfSix
Q.quickCheck $ prop_SN gen_LandTwoSN parseSNOfSeven
Q.quickCheckWith Q.stdArgs { Q.maxSuccess = 10000 } $ prop_PhoneNumberBE

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ parseDigit = oneOf ['0'..'9']
base10Integer :: Parser Integer base10Integer :: Parser Integer
base10Integer = do base10Integer = do
xs <- some $ (\a -> read (a:"")) <$> parseDigit xs <- (fmap . fmap) (read . (:[])) $ some parseDigit
return $ return $
fst $ foldr (\a (b,i) -> (a * i + b, i*10)) (0,1) xs fst $ foldr (\a (b,i) -> (a * i + b, i*10)) (0,1) xs
@ -118,4 +118,3 @@ main = hspec $ do
let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "-123abc" let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "-123abc"
r = maybeSuccess m r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just (-123) r `shouldBe` Just (-123)

@ -19,20 +19,7 @@ data SemVer = SemVer Major Minor Patch Release Metadata deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Probably nicer ways of doing this? -- Probably nicer ways of doing this?
instance Ord SemVer where instance Ord SemVer where
compare (SemVer major minor patch _ _) compare (SemVer major minor patch _ _)
(SemVer major' minor' patch' _ _) = (SemVer major' minor' patch' _ _) = mconcat $
-- case compare major major' of
-- GT -> GT
-- LT -> LT
-- EQ ->
-- case compare minor minor' of
-- GT -> GT
-- LT -> LT
-- EQ ->
-- case compare patch patch' of
-- GT -> GT
-- LT -> LT
-- EQ -> EQ
mconcat $
zipWith compare [major, minor, patch] [major', minor', patch'] zipWith compare [major, minor, patch] [major', minor', patch']
validChars :: [Char] validChars :: [Char]
