@ -2,21 +2,139 @@ |
module IPAddress where |
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2, liftA3) |
import Text.Trifecta hiding (span) |
import Data.Word |
import Data.Bits |
import Data.List (splitAt) |
import Numeric (readHex, showHex) |
import Control.Monad.State |
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) |
-- import Data.List (group, span) |
import Data.Either (lefts) |
-- import qualified Data.Sequence as S |
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) |
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.)) |
import Control.Monad (replicateM) |
import Text.Parser.Char (char) |
import Data.Char (toLower, ord) |
import Data.List (intersperse, span) |
import Numeric (showHex) |
import Test.Hspec |
-- Exercise 6 |
data IPAddress = IPAddress Word32 deriving (Eq, Ord) |
parseDecOctet :: CharParsing m => m Integer |
parseDecOctet = |
fmap read $ case1 <|> case2 <|> case3 <|> case4 <|> case5 |
where case1 = try $ sequenceA [char '2', char '5', oneOf "012345"] |
case2 = try $ sequenceA [char '2', oneOf "01234", digit] |
case3 = try $ sequenceA [char '1', digit, digit] |
case4 = try $ sequenceA [oneOf "123456789", digit] |
case5 = pure <$> digit |
shiftLFolder :: Int -> [Integer] -> Integer |
shiftLFolder i = fst . foldr f (0, 0) |
where f a (t, s) = ((a `shiftL` s) + t, s + i) |
parseIPv4Address :: CharParsing m => m IPAddress |
parseIPv4Address = |
let wDot = char '.' *> parseDecOctet |
words = liftA2 (:) parseDecOctet $ replicateM 3 wDot |
in IPAddress . fromInteger . shiftLFolder 8 <$> words |
-- Exercise 7 |
data IPAddress6 = IPAddress6 Word64 Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord) |
-- From RFC 3986 |
-- IPv6address = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
-- / "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
-- / [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
-- / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
-- / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
-- / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32 |
-- / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32 |
-- / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 |
-- / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" |
-- h16 = 1*4HEXDIG |
-- ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address |
-- "::" = Cons |
data IPv6ParseOption = |
NoCons | Cons0 | Cons1 | Cons2 | Cons3 | Cons4 | Cons5 | Cons6 | Cons7 |
-- This is just the representation of the ABNF from the RFC |
parseIPv6Address :: Parser IPAddress6 |
parseIPv6Address = fmap f $ (try $ parseOption NoCons) |
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons0) |
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons1) |
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons2) |
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons3) |
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons4) |
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons5) |
<|> (try $ parseOption Cons6) |
<|> parseOption Cons7 |
where f = integerToIPv6Address . shiftLFolder 16 |
integerToIPv6Address :: Integer -> IPAddress6 |
integerToIPv6Address n = |
let [w1, w2] = fmap f [n `shiftR` 64, n] |
f = fromInteger . (.&. 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) |
in IPAddress6 w1 w2 |
parseOption :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer] |
parseOption o = liftA3 f (parseFirst o) (parseMiddle o) (parseLast o) |
where f s1 s2 s3 = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 |
parseFirst :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer] |
parseFirst o = case o of |
NoCons -> pure [] |
Cons0 -> string "::" *> pure [0] |
Cons1 -> (try $ lower Cons0) <|> go 0 |
Cons2 -> (try $ lower Cons1) <|> go 1 |
Cons3 -> (try $ lower Cons2) <|> go 2 |
Cons4 -> (try $ lower Cons3) <|> go 3 |
Cons5 -> (try $ lower Cons4) <|> go 4 |
Cons6 -> (try $ lower Cons5) <|> go 5 |
Cons7 -> (try $ lower Cons6) <|> go 6 |
where lower o' = liftA2 (++) (parseFirst o') (pure [0]) |
go n = liftA2 (++) (rep n) (parseFirst Cons0) |
rep n = liftA2 (++) (replicateM n piece) end |
piece = parseH16 <* char ':' |
end = sequenceA [parseH16] |
parseMiddle :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer] |
parseMiddle o = case o of |
NoCons -> rep 6 |
Cons0 -> rep 5 |
Cons1 -> rep 4 |
Cons2 -> rep 3 |
Cons3 -> rep 2 |
Cons4 -> rep 1 |
otherwise -> pure [] |
where rep n = replicateM n (parseH16 <* char ':') |
parseLast :: IPv6ParseOption -> Parser [Integer] |
paresLast Cons6 = sequenceA [parseH16] |
parseLast Cons7 = pure [] |
parseLast _ = parseLs32 |
parseLs32 :: Parser [Integer] |
parseLs32 = try case1 <|> case2 |
where case1 = sequenceA [parseH16 <* char ':', parseH16] |
case2 = toWord16s <$> parseIPv4Address |
toWord16s (IPAddress w) = |
let w' = toInteger w |
in fmap (.&. 0xFFFF) [w' `shiftR` 16, w'] |
parseH16 :: Parser Integer |
parseH16 = fmap (shiftLFolder 4) $ try four <|> try three <|> try two <|> one |
where four = replicateM 4 parseHexDig |
three = replicateM 3 parseHexDig |
two = replicateM 2 parseHexDig |
one = replicateM 1 parseHexDig |
parseHexDig :: Parser Integer |
parseHexDig = d <|> h |
where d = read <$> sequenceA [digit] |
h = f . toLower <$> oneOf "abcdefABCDEF" |
f c = toInteger $ ord c - ord 'a' + 10 |
-- Exercise 8 |
instance Show IPAddress where |
show (IPAddress w32) = |
let n = toInteger w32 |
@ -25,36 +143,54 @@ instance Show IPAddress where |
show ((n `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++ |
show (n .&. 0xFF) |
parseValidIPByte :: Parser Word8 |
parseValidIPByte = do |
i <- decimal |
let max' = toInteger (maxBound :: Word8) |
min' = toInteger (minBound :: Word8) |
if i <= max' && i >= min' |
then return (fromInteger i) |
else unexpected "Invalid byte" |
parseIPv4Address :: Parser IPAddress |
parseIPv4Address = do |
b1 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
_ <- char '.' |
b2 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
_ <- char '.' |
b3 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
_ <- char '.' |
b4 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte |
return $ IPAddress . fromInteger $ (b1 `shiftL` 24) + |
(b2 `shiftL` 16) + |
(b3 `shiftL` 8) + |
b4 |
-- RFC 5952 |
instance Show IPAddress6 where |
show i = concat $ intersperse ":" $ processed |
where processed = fmap fix longest |
longest = repLongestListOfZeroes $ collapseZeroes asStrings |
asStrings = fmap (flip showHex "") (toArray i) |
fix x = if length x > 1 then intersperse ':' x else x |
toArray :: IPAddress6 -> [Integer] |
toArray (IPAddress6 w1 w2) = go w1 ++ go w2 |
where go w = reverse $ take 4 $ f (toInteger w) |
f w = w .&. mask : f (w `shiftR` 16) |
mask = 0xFFFF |
collapseZeroes :: [String] -> [String] |
collapseZeroes [] = [] |
collapseZeroes xs = nonZeroes ++ zeroes ++ remainder |
where (nonZeroes, rest) = span (/= "0") xs |
(zeroes', rest') = span (== "0") rest |
zeroes = [concat zeroes'] |
remainder = collapseZeroes rest' |
repLongestListOfZeroes :: [String] -> [String] |
repLongestListOfZeroes xs = h ++ rep t |
where (h, t) = span (p . length) xs |
p x = (max' < 2) || (x /= max') |
max' = maximum $ fmap length xs |
rep [] = [] |
rep (x:xs) = "":xs |
-- Exercise 9 |
toIPAddress6 :: IPAddress -> IPAddress6 |
toIPAddress6 (IPAddress w32) = IPAddress6 0 (fromIntegral w32) |
toIPAddress :: IPAddress6 -> Maybe IPAddress |
toIPAddress (IPAddress6 w64 w64') |
| w64 /= 0 = Nothing |
| w64' > (fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Word32)) = Nothing |
| otherwise = Just $ IPAddress (fromIntegral w64') |
-- Tests |
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a |
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a |
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing |
testByteHelper :: String -> Maybe Word8 -> Expectation |
testByteHelper s r = do |
let m = parseString parseValidIPByte mempty s |
-- IPv4 |
testDecOctetHelper :: String -> Maybe Integer -> Expectation |
testDecOctetHelper s r = do |
let m = parseString parseDecOctet mempty s |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
r' `shouldBe` r |
@ -64,14 +200,19 @@ testIPv4Helper s r = do |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
r' `shouldBe` r |
testByte :: IO () |
testByte = hspec $ do |
testDecOctet :: IO () |
testDecOctet = hspec $ do |
describe "Test parsing of byte" $ do |
it "Can parse 0" $ testByteHelper "0" (Just 0) |
it "Can parse 255" $ testByteHelper "255" (Just 255) |
it "Can't parse 256" $ testByteHelper "256" Nothing |
it "Can't parse -1" $ testByteHelper "-1" Nothing |
it "Can't parse empty" $ testByteHelper "" Nothing |
it "Can parse 0" $ testDecOctetHelper "0" (Just 0) |
it "Can parse 10" $ testDecOctetHelper "10" (Just 10) |
it "Can parse 100" $ testDecOctetHelper "100" (Just 100) |
it "Can parse 249" $ testDecOctetHelper "249" (Just 249) |
it "Can parse 255" $ testDecOctetHelper "255" (Just 255) |
it "Can parse 260 as 26" $ testDecOctetHelper "256" (Just 25) |
it "Can parse 256 as 25" $ testDecOctetHelper "256" (Just 25) |
it "Can parse 2550 as 255" $ testDecOctetHelper "2550s" (Just 255) |
it "Can't parse -1" $ testDecOctetHelper "-1" Nothing |
it "Can't parse empty" $ testDecOctetHelper "" Nothing |
testIPv4 :: IO () |
testIPv4 = hspec $ do |
@ -87,188 +228,99 @@ testIPv4 = hspec $ do |
it "Can't parse 0..0.0.0" $ do |
testIPv4Helper "0..0.0.0" Nothing |
toIPAddress6 :: IPAddress -> IPAddress6 |
toIPAddress6 (IPAddress w32) = IPAddress6 0 (fromIntegral w32) |
-- Exercise 7 |
-- Datatypes: |
data IPAddress6 = IPAddress6 Word64 Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord) |
-- An IPv6Piece is the part between ':', it can be either |
-- "::" or "ABCD" |
type IPv6Piece = Either () Word16 |
-- |
toArray :: IPAddress6 -> [Word16] |
toArray (IPAddress6 w64 w64') = |
let n = toInteger w64 |
m = toInteger w64' |
mask = fromInteger . (\a -> (.&.) a 0xFFFF) |
in mask (n `shiftR` 48) : |
mask (n `shiftR` 32) : |
mask (n `shiftR` 16) : |
mask n : |
mask (m `shiftR` 48) : |
mask (m `shiftR` 32) : |
mask (m `shiftR` 16) : |
mask m : [] |
toArray' :: [Word16] -> [Either Int Word16] |
toArray' [] = [] |
toArray' s@(0:0:_) = (Left $ length ys) : (toArray' zs) |
where (ys, zs) = span (==0) s |
toArray' (x:xs) = (Right x) : toArray' xs |
findMax :: [Either Int Word16] -> Maybe Int |
findMax xs = go $ lefts xs |
where go [] = Nothing |
go ys = Just $ maximum ys |
replaceLeft :: Int -> [Either Int Word16] -> [IPv6Piece] |
replaceLeft m xs = go m xs False |
where go _ [] _ = [] |
go i ((Right c):ys) b = (Right c) : (go i ys b) |
go i ((Left c):ys) False = |
if (c == i) |
then (Left ()) : (go i ys True) |
else (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys False) |
go i ((Left c):ys) True = (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys True) |
showPieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> String |
showPieces [] = "" |
showPieces ((Right c):ys) = (showHex c "") ++ (go ys) |
where go [] = [] |
go (Right c':zs) = ":" ++ (showHex c' "") ++ (go zs) |
go zs = showPieces zs |
showPieces ((Left ():ys)) = "::" ++ (showPieces ys) |
-- IPv6 |
testParseFirstHelper :: IPv6ParseOption |
-> String |
-> Maybe [Integer] |
-> Expectation |
testParseFirstHelper o s r = do |
let m = parseString (parseFirst o) mempty s |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
r' `shouldBe` r |
instance Show IPAddress6 where |
show p = let xs = toArray' (toArray p) |
in showPieces $ (case findMax xs of |
Nothing -> replaceLeft 0 xs |
(Just i) -> replaceLeft i xs) |
validHex :: String |
validHex = "abcdefABCDEF0123456789" |
-- Helper functions |
-- only parses [0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4} |
readWord16 :: String -> Maybe Word16 |
readWord16 s = |
let r = readHex (take 4 s) :: [(Word16, String)] |
in case r of |
((w,s'):[]) -> if s' == "" then Just w else Nothing |
_ -> Nothing |
mkWord64 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word64 |
mkWord64 a b c d = (fromIntegral a `shiftL` 48) + |
(fromIntegral b `shiftL` 32) + |
(fromIntegral c `shiftL` 16) + |
(fromIntegral d) |
mkIPAddress6 :: [Word16] -> Maybe IPAddress6 |
mkIPAddress6 xs = |
case length xs of |
8 -> let (a,b) = splitAt 4 xs |
w1 = (mkWord64 (a !! 0) (a !! 1) (a !! 2) (a !! 3)) |
w2 = (mkWord64 (b !! 0) (b !! 1) (b !! 2) (b !! 3)) |
in Just $ IPAddress6 w1 w2 |
_ -> Nothing |
expandIPv6Pieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe [Word16] |
expandIPv6Pieces xs = |
case length $ filter (==(Left ())) xs of |
0 -> Just $ foldr f [] xs |
1 -> Just $ foldr g [] xs |
_ -> Nothing |
where f (Left _) s = s |
f (Right c) s = c:s |
n = max (9 - (length xs)) 0 |
g (Left _) s = (take n $ repeat 0) ++ s |
g (Right c) s = c:s |
getIPAddress6 :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe IPAddress6 |
getIPAddress6 xs = expandIPv6Pieces xs >>= mkIPAddress6 |
type IPv6State = Bool |
type IPv6Parser a = StateT IPv6State Parser a |
-- Parsing the individual pieces: |
-- hex, 1-4 hexes, ':', '::' |
parseSingleHex :: IPv6Parser Char |
parseSingleHex = do |
c <- oneOf validHex |
return c |
parseIPv6Hex :: IPv6Parser Word16 |
parseIPv6Hex = do |
c1 <- parseSingleHex <?> "At least one hex" |
o <- mapStateT f $ count 3 $ optional parseSingleHex |
let s = c1 : (fromMaybe "" o) |
case readWord16 s of |
Just w -> return w |
Nothing -> unexpected $ "Invalid piece: " ++ s |
where f :: Parser ([Maybe Char], IPv6State) |
-> Parser (Maybe [Char], IPv6State) |
f = fmap (\(c,b) -> (sequence c, b)) |
parseSep :: IPv6Parser String |
parseSep = do |
c <- string ":" |
return c |
parseCons :: IPv6Parser (Maybe IPv6Piece) |
parseCons = do |
b <- get |
c <- optional $ string "::" |
case c of |
Nothing -> return Nothing |
Just _ -> if b |
then unexpected "Only one '::' allowed" |
else do |
put True |
return (Just $ Left ()) |
-- Parses: |
-- ::ABCD |
-- :ABCD |
parseInnerParts :: IPv6Parser [IPv6Piece] |
parseInnerParts = do |
c <- parseCons |
case c of |
Nothing -> do |
parseSep |
w <- parseIPv6Hex |
return [Right w] |
Just _ -> do |
w <- parseIPv6Hex |
return [Left (), Right w] |
parseIPv6Address :: IPv6Parser IPAddress6 |
parseIPv6Address = do |
c <- parseCons |
w <- parseIPv6Hex |
a <- case c of |
Nothing -> do |
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts |
c' <- parseCons |
case c' of |
Nothing -> return ([Right w] ++ xs) |
Just _ -> return ([Right w] ++ xs ++ [Left ()]) |
Just _ -> do |
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts |
return $ ([Left ()] ++ [Right w] ++ xs) |
case getIPAddress6 a of |
Nothing -> unexpected "Invalid format" |
Just a' -> return a' |
where f :: Parser ([[IPv6Piece]], IPv6State) |
-> Parser ([IPv6Piece], IPv6State) |
f = fmap (\(xs, b) -> (concat xs, b)) |
testParseFirst :: IO () |
testParseFirst = hspec $ do |
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst NoCons" $ do |
it "Can parse anything" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper NoCons "" (Just []) |
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons0" $ do |
it "Can parse only '::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons0 "::" (Just [0]) |
it "Cannot parse non '::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons0 "a::" (Nothing) |
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons1" $ do |
it "Can parse only '::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons1 "::" (Just [0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons1 "f::" (Just [15,0]) |
it "Cannot parse f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons1 "f:f::" Nothing |
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons2" $ do |
it "Can parse only '::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "f::" (Just [15,0,0]) |
it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0]) |
it "Cannot parse f:f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons2 "f:f:f::" Nothing |
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons3" $ do |
it "Can parse only '::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f::" (Just [15,0,0,0]) |
it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0,0]) |
it "Can parse 'f:f:f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,0]) |
it "Cannot parse f:f:f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons3 "f:f:f:f::" Nothing |
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons4" $ do |
it "Can parse only '::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f::" (Just [15,0,0,0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0,0,0]) |
it "Can parse 'f:f:f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,0, 0]) |
it "Can parse f:f:f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,15, 0]) |
it "Cannot parse f:f:f:f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons4 "f:f:f:f:f::" Nothing |
describe "Test parsing of parseFirst Cons5" $ do |
it "Can parse only '::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "::" (Just [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f::" (Just [15,0,0,0, 0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f:f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f::" (Just [15,15,0,0,0, 0]) |
it "Can parse 'f:f:f::'" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,0, 0, 0]) |
it "Can parse f:f:f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,15, 0, 0]) |
it "Can parse f:f:f:f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f:f:f::" (Just [15,15,15,15,15, 0]) |
it "Cannot parse f:f:f:f:f:f::" $ do |
testParseFirstHelper Cons5 "f:f:f:f:f:f::" Nothing |
-- rest is copy-paste but also not necessary since they're all |
-- handled the same way in the parseFirst method. |
testIPv6Helper :: String -> Maybe IPAddress6 -> Expectation |
testIPv6Helper s r = do |
let m = parseString parseIPv6Address mempty s |
r' = maybeSuccess m |
r' `shouldBe` r |
toIPAddress :: IPAddress6 -> Maybe IPAddress |
toIPAddress (IPAddress6 w64 w64') |
| w64 /= 0 = Nothing |
| w64' > (fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Word32)) = Nothing |
| otherwise = Just $ IPAddress (fromIntegral w64') |
testIPv6 :: IO () |
testIPv6 = hspec $ do |
describe "Test parsing of IPv6" $ do |
it "Can parse 0:0:1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do |
testIPv6Helper "0:0:1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536)) |
it "Can parse ::0:1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do |
testIPv6Helper "::0:1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536)) |
it "Can parse ::1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do |
testIPv6Helper "::1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536)) |
it "Can parse 0::1:0:0:0:1:0" $ do |
testIPv6Helper "0::1:0:0:0:1:0" (Just (IPAddress6 65536 65536)) |