Complete Chapter 18

Gaël Depreeuw 7 years ago
parent c6779197b1
commit 854e37c476
  1. 6
  2. 54
  3. 6
  4. 124
  5. 58
  6. 160

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Chapter Exercises
## Writing and testing monad instances
see src/instances.hs
## Writing functions
see src/functions.hs

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module EitherMonad where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers
import Test.QuickCheck.Classes
data Sum a b = First a | Second b deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Sum a) where
fmap _ (First a) = First a
fmap f (Second b) = Second (f b)
instance Applicative (Sum a) where
pure = Second
(<*>) _ (First a) = First a
(<*>) (First a) _ = First a
(<*>) (Second f) (Second b) = Second (f b)
instance Monad (Sum a) where
return = pure
(First a) >>= _ = First a
(Second b) >>= k = k b
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Sum a b) where
arbitrary = do
a <- arbitrary
b <- arbitrary
elements [First a, Second b]
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => EqProp (Sum a b) where
(=-=) = eq
type SumType = Sum String (Int,Int,Int)
main :: IO ()
main = do
quickBatch (monad (undefined :: SumType))
-- ********************************
-- Associativity
-- (m >>= f) >>= g
-- join (fmap g (join (fmap f m)))
-- We can't just do
-- m >>= (f >>= g) because f is not of type (Monoid m => m b)
-- We want to pass an m to an h
-- m >>= h
-- where h is to be determined, we know it is of form (Monoid m => a -> m b)
-- and it should be based on f >>= g, this doesn't work, but we could apply
-- f to an `a` and provide that to the:
-- h x = f x >>= g
-- This is can be done via anonymous function:
-- m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
-- join (fmap (\x -> join (fmap g (f x))) m)

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Bind where
import Control.Monad (join)
bind :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
bind = join . fmap f

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
module Examples where
import Control.Monad (join)
twiceWhenEven :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
twiceWhenEven xs = do
x <- xs
if even x
then [x*x,x*x]
else [x*x]
twiceWhenEven' :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
twiceWhenEven' xs =
xs >>= \x -> if even x then [x*x,x*x] else [x*x]
twiceWhenEven'' :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
twiceWhenEven'' xs =
join (fmap (\x -> if even x then [x*x,x*x] else [x*x]) xs)
data Cow = Cow { name :: String, age :: Int, weight :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Show)
noEmpty :: String -> Maybe String
noEmpty "" = Nothing
noEmpty s = Just s
noNegative :: Int -> Maybe Int
noNegative n | n >= 0 = Just n
| otherwise = Nothing
weightCheck :: Cow -> Maybe Cow
weightCheck c =
let w = weight c
n = name c
in if (n == "Bess") && (w > 499)
then Nothing
else Just c
mkSphericalCow :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
mkSphericalCow name' age' weight' =
case noEmpty name' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just n ->
case noNegative age' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just a ->
case noNegative weight' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just w -> weightCheck $ Cow n a w
mkSphericalCow' :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
mkSphericalCow' name' age' weight' = do
n <- noEmpty name'
a <- noNegative age'
w <- noNegative weight'
weightCheck $ Cow n a w
mkSphericalCow'' :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
mkSphericalCow'' name' age' weight' =
noEmpty name' >>= \n ->
noNegative age' >>= \a ->
noNegative weight'>>= \w ->
weightCheck $ Cow n a w
mkSphericalCow''' :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
mkSphericalCow''' name' age' weight' =
join (fmap f $ noEmpty name')
where f n = join (fmap g $ noNegative age')
where g a = join (fmap h $ noNegative weight')
where h w = weightCheck $ Cow n a w
-- Some explanation:
-- Starting at the end with the function h:
-- h :: Int -> Maybe Cow
-- We know g takes and Int (as the `a` given is used in the construction of
-- Cow). `h` is fmapped over a Maybe Int, giving us a Maybe (Maybe Cow)
-- (fmap :: (Int -> Maybe Cow) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Maybe Cow))
-- Using join, reduces this to just a Maybe Cow, so this makes:
-- g :: Int -> Maybe Cow
-- And looking at f, we see that it takes a String (n is used as String).
-- `g` is mapped over a Maybe Int, giving us a Maybe (Maybe Cow))
-- (fmapp :: (Int -> Maybe Cow) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Maybe Cow))
-- Using join reduces this to just a Maybe Cow to, so we have:
-- f :: String -> Maybe Cow
-- Finally `f` is mapped over a Maybe String, giving us a Maybe (Maybe Cow)
-- (fmap :: (String -> Maybe Cow) -> Maybe String -> Maybe (Maybe Cow))
-- Using join, reduces this to jsut a Maybe Cow, this gives us the
-- Maybe Cow
-- mkSphericalCow''' :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
-- mkSphericalCow''' name' age' weight' = z name' age' weight'
-- where z :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
-- z n a w = join (fmap (f w a) $ noEmpty n)
-- f :: Int -> Int -> String -> Maybe Cow
-- f w a n = join (fmap (g w n) $ noNegative a)
-- g :: Int -> String -> Int -> Maybe Cow
-- g w n a = join (fmap (h n a) $ noNegative w)
-- h :: String -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cow
-- h n a w = weightCheck $ Cow n a w
f :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
f 0 = Nothing
f n = Just n
g :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
g i = if even i then (Just (i+1)) else Nothing
h :: Integer -> Maybe String
h i = Just ("10191" ++ show i)
doSomething' :: Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer, String)
doSomething' n = do
a <- f n
b <- g a
c <- h b
pure (a, b, c)
doSomething'' :: Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer, String)
doSomething'' n =
(pure g) <*> (f n)

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
module Functions where
-- 1
j :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
j x = x >>= id
-- 2
l1 :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
-- without fmap
l1 f x = do
a' <- x
return $ f a'
l1 f x = x >>= (return . f)
-- with fmap :)
-- l1 = fmap
-- 3
l2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
-- without fmap
l2 f x y = do
a' <- x
b <- y
return $ f a' b
-- l2 f x y = x >>= (\a -> y >>= \b -> return $ f a b)
-- with fmap
-- l2 f x y = (fmap f x) <*> y
-- 4
a :: Monad m => m a -> m (a -> b) -> m b
-- without fmap
a x fs = do
a' <- x
f <- fs
return $ f a'
-- with fmap
-- a x fs = do
-- f <- fs
-- fmap f x
-- a x fs = fs >>= \y -> fmap y x
-- a x fs = fs <*> x
-- 5
meh :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
meh [] _ = return []
meh (x:xs) f = do
b <- f x
fmap (b:) $ meh xs f
-- using flipType as base
-- meh as f = flipType (fmap f as)
-- 6
flipType :: (Monad m) => [m a] -> m [a]
flipType = flip meh id
-- and without using meh
-- flipType [] = return []
-- flipType (x:xs) = do
-- x' <- x
-- fmap (x':) $ flipType xs

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
module Instances where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers
import Test.QuickCheck.Classes
-- import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
-- 1
data Nope a = NopeDotJpg deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Nope where
fmap _ _ = NopeDotJpg
instance Applicative Nope where
pure _ = NopeDotJpg
(<*>) _ _ = NopeDotJpg
instance Monad Nope where
return _ = NopeDotJpg
(>>=) _ _ = NopeDotJpg
instance Arbitrary (Nope a) where
arbitrary = return NopeDotJpg
instance EqProp (Nope a) where
(=-=) = eq
type NopeType = Nope (Int,Int,Int)
-- 2
data PhhhbbtttEither b a = Left' a | Right' b deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (PhhhbbtttEither b) where
fmap _ (Right' b) = Right' b
fmap f (Left' a) = Left' (f a)
instance Monoid b => Applicative (PhhhbbtttEither b) where
pure = Left'
(Right' b) <*> (Right' b') = Right' $ b `mappend` b'
(Right' b) <*> _ = Right' b
_ <*> (Right' b) = Right' b
(Left' f) <*> (Left' a) = Left' (f a)
instance Monoid b => Monad (PhhhbbtttEither b) where
return = Left'
(Right' b) >>= _ = Right' b
(Left' a) >>= k = k a
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (PhhhbbtttEither b a) where
arbitrary = do
a <- arbitrary
b <- arbitrary
oneof [return $ Left' a, return $ Right' b]
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => EqProp (PhhhbbtttEither b a) where
(=-=) = eq
type PhhhbbtttEitherType = PhhhbbtttEither String (Int,Int,Int)
-- 3
newtype Identity a = Identity a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Functor Identity where
fmap f (Identity a) = Identity $ f a
instance Applicative Identity where
pure = Identity
(Identity f) <*> (Identity a) = Identity $ f a
instance Monad Identity where
return = Identity
(Identity a) >>= k = k a
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Identity a) where
arbitrary = arbitrary >>= return . Identity
instance Eq a => EqProp (Identity a) where
(=-=) = eq
type IdentityType = Identity (Int,Int,Int)
-- 4
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor List where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons a l) = Cons (f a) (fmap f l)
instance Monoid (List a) where
mempty = Nil
mappend l Nil = l
mappend Nil l = l
mappend (Cons a l) l' = Cons a (mappend l l')
instance Applicative List where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure = flip Cons Nil
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
Nil <*> _ = Nil
_ <*> Nil = Nil
(Cons f fl) <*> as = (fmap f as) `mappend` (fl <*> as)
instance Monad List where
return = flip Cons Nil
Nil >>= _ = Nil
(Cons a l) >>= k = (k a) `mappend` (l >>= k)
-- I originally had the above, because I thought that you could not
-- use join, but I found a solution online that uses join. Trying to
-- understand:
-- join is defined as (join x = x >>= id)
-- You might think, wait a minute? id is (a -> a) and thus doesn't fit the
-- bill of (a -> m b), but let's look at things more closely
-- (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- a here is the type of x :: (m a')
-- b here is the inner type of x :: a',
-- updating gives us:
-- (>>=) :: m (m a') -> (m a' -> m a') -> m a'
-- and we see that we can pass the id function to it
-- This turns the >>= definition into a recursive one where the second time
-- the function is the id, which will join it all
-- unfortunately this crashes when testing the monad laws ... Why?
-- because this never ends... You get
-- fmap id (fmap id (... (fmap id (fmap f as))))
-- as >>= f = join $ fmap f as
-- toList :: [a] -> List a
-- toList [] = Nil
-- toList (x:xs) = Cons x $ toList xs
replicateM' :: Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m (List a)
replicateM' cnt0 f = loop cnt0
where loop cnt
| cnt <= 0 = pure Nil
| otherwise = liftA2 Cons f (loop (cnt - 1))
listOf' :: Gen a -> Gen (List a)
listOf' gen = sized $ \n ->
do k <- choose (0,n)
replicateM' k gen
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (List a) where
arbitrary = listOf' arbitrary
-- arbitrary = fmap toList (listOf arbitrary)
-- arbitrary = do
-- a <- arbitrary
-- l <- arbitrary
-- frequency [(1, return Nil), (3, return $ Cons a l)]
instance Eq a => EqProp (List a) where
(=-=) = eq
type ListType = List (Int,Int,Int)
main :: IO ()
main = do
quickBatch (functor (undefined :: NopeType))
quickBatch (applicative (undefined :: NopeType))
quickBatch (monad (undefined :: NopeType))
quickBatch (functor (undefined :: PhhhbbtttEitherType))
quickBatch (applicative (undefined :: PhhhbbtttEitherType))
quickBatch (monad (undefined :: PhhhbbtttEitherType))
quickBatch (functor (undefined :: IdentityType))
quickBatch (applicative (undefined :: IdentityType))
quickBatch (monad (undefined :: IdentityType))
-- [a]
quickBatch (functor (undefined :: [(Int,Int,Int)]))
quickBatch (monoid (undefined :: [(Int,Int,Int)]))
quickBatch (applicative (undefined :: [(Int,Int,Int)]))
quickBatch (monad (undefined :: [(Int,Int,Int)]))
quickBatch (functor (undefined :: ListType))
quickBatch (monoid (undefined :: ListType))
quickBatch (applicative (undefined :: ListType))
quickBatch (monad (undefined :: ListType))