7 changed files with 206 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
# Exercises: Roll Your Own |
see src/RandomExample2.hs |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
# Chapter Exercises |
see src/chapter.hs |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} |
module Moi where |
newtype Moi s a = Moi { runMoi :: s -> (a, s) } |
instance Functor (Moi s) where |
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Moi s a -> Moi s b |
fmap f (Moi g) = Moi $ \s -> let (a, s') = g s |
in (f a, s') |
instance Applicative (Moi s) where |
pure :: a -> Moi s a |
pure a = Moi $ \s -> (a, s) |
(<*>) :: Moi s (a -> b) -> Moi s a -> Moi s b |
(Moi f) <*> (Moi g) = Moi $ \s -> let (a, s') = g s |
(f', s'') = f s' |
in (f' a, s'') |
instance Monad (Moi s) where |
return :: a -> Moi s a |
return = pure |
(>>=) :: Moi s a -> (a -> Moi s b) -> Moi s b |
(Moi f) >>= g = Moi $ \s -> let (a, s') = f s |
in runMoi (g a) s' |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
module RandomExample where |
import System.Random |
-- Six-sided die |
data Die = |
DieOne |
| DieTwo |
| DieThree |
| DieFour |
| DieFive |
| DieSix |
deriving (Eq, Show) |
intToDie :: Int -> Die |
intToDie n = case n of |
1 -> DieOne |
2 -> DieTwo |
3 -> DieThree |
4 -> DieFour |
5 -> DieFive |
6 -> DieSix |
-- Use 'error' _extremely_ sparingly |
x -> error $ "intToDie got non 1-6 integer: " ++ show x |
rollDieThreeTimes :: (Die, Die, Die) |
rollDieThreeTimes = do |
let s = mkStdGen 0 |
(d1, s1) = randomR (1, 6) s |
(d2, s2) = randomR (1, 6) s1 |
(d3, _) = randomR (1, 6) s2 |
(intToDie d1, intToDie d2, intToDie d3) |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
module RandomExample2 where |
import Control.Applicative (liftA3) |
import Control.Monad (replicateM) |
import Control.Monad.Trans.State |
import System.Random |
import RandomExample |
rollDie :: State StdGen Die |
rollDie = state $ do |
(n, s) <- randomR (1, 6) |
return (intToDie n, s) |
rollDie' :: State StdGen Die |
rollDie' = intToDie <$> state (randomR (1, 6)) |
rollDieThreeTimes' :: State StdGen (Die, Die, Die) |
rollDieThreeTimes' = liftA3 (,,) rollDie' rollDie' rollDie' |
infiniteDie :: State StdGen [Die] |
infiniteDie = repeat <$> rollDie' |
nDie :: Int -> State StdGen [Die] |
nDie n = replicateM n rollDie |
rollsToGetTwenty :: StdGen -> Int |
rollsToGetTwenty g = go 0 0 g |
where go :: Int -> Int -> StdGen -> Int |
go sum' count gen |
| sum' >= 20 = count |
| otherwise = let (die, nextGen) = randomR (1, 6) gen |
in go (sum' + die) (count + 1) nextGen |
-- Exercises: Roll Your Own |
-- 1 |
rollsToGetN :: Int -> StdGen -> Int |
rollsToGetN n g = go 0 0 g |
where go :: Int -> Int -> StdGen -> Int |
go sum' count gen |
| sum' >= n = count |
| otherwise = let (die, nextGen) = randomR (1, 6) gen |
in go (sum' + die) (count + 1) nextGen |
-- 2 |
rollsCountLogged :: Int -> StdGen -> (Int, [Die]) |
rollsCountLogged n g = go 0 (0, []) g |
where go :: Int -> (Int, [Die]) -> StdGen -> (Int, [Die]) |
go sum' r@(count, dice) gen |
| sum' >= n = r |
| otherwise = let (die, nextGen) = randomR (1, 6) gen |
in go (sum' + die) |
((count + 1), intToDie die : dice) |
nextGen |
rollsToGetN' :: Int -> StdGen -> Int |
rollsToGetN' n = fst . rollsCountLogged n |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
module Chapter where |
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) } |
instance Functor (State s) where |
fmap f k = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState k s |
in (f a, s') |
instance Applicative (State s) where |
pure a = State $ \s -> (a, s) |
(State f) <*> k = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState k s |
(f', s'') = f s' |
in (f' a, s'') |
instance Monad (State s) where |
return = pure |
(State f) >>= k = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = f s |
in runState (k a) s' |
-- 1 |
get :: State s s |
get = State $ \s -> (s,s) |
-- 2 |
put :: s -> State s () |
put s = State $ \_ -> ((),s) |
-- 3 |
exec :: State s a -> s -> s |
exec st = snd . runState st |
-- 4 |
eval :: State s a -> s -> a |
eval st = fst . runState st |
-- 5 |
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s () |
modify f = State $ \s -> ((), f s) |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
module FizzBuzz where |
import Control.Monad |
import Control.Monad.Trans.State |
-- |
-- import qualified Data.DList as DL |
fizzBuzz :: Integer -> String |
fizzBuzz n | n `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz" |
| n `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz" |
| n `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz" |
| otherwise = show n |
-- fizzbuzzlist :: [Integer] -> DL.DList String |
-- fizzbuzzlist list = execState (mapM_ addResult list) DL.empty |
-- addResult :: Integer -> State (DL.DList String) () |
-- addResult n = do |
-- xs <- get |
-- let result = fizzBuzz n |
-- put (DL.snoc xs result) |
-- main :: IO () |
-- main = mapM_ putStrLn $ fizzbuzzlist [1..100] |
fizzbuzzlist :: [Integer] -> [String] |
fizzbuzzlist list = execState (mapM_ addResult list) [] |
addResult :: Integer -> State [String] () |
addResult n = do |
xs <- get |
let result = fizzBuzz n |
put (result : xs) |
-- they all seem to take about the same amount of time... |
main :: IO () |
-- main = mapM_ putStrLn $ reverse $ fizzbuzzlist [1..100] |
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ fizzbuzzFromTo 1 500000 |
-- main = mapM_ putStrLn $ fizzbuzzFromTo' 1 500000 |
fizzbuzzFromTo :: Integer -> Integer -> [String] |
fizzbuzzFromTo from to = go from to [] |
where go f t st |
| f >= t = st |
| otherwise = execState (addResult f) (go (f+1) t st) |
fizzbuzzFromTo' :: Integer -> Integer -> [String] |
fizzbuzzFromTo' from to = execState (mapM_ addResult list) [] |
where list = go from to [] |
go f t l |
| f >= t = l |
| otherwise = go (f+1) t (f:l) |
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