Complete chapter 24

Gaël Depreeuw 7 years ago
parent 36ee6214c2
commit da33ab0f18
  1. 11
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 2
  5. 41
  6. 48
  7. 70
  8. 4
  9. 274
  10. 152
  11. 81
  12. 53
  13. 31
  14. 195
  15. 172
  16. 121
  17. 229
  18. 23

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Chapter Exercises
1. see src/SemVer.hs
2. see src/PosInt.hs
3. see src/PosInt.hs
4. see src/PhoneNumber.hs
5. see src/ParseLog.hs
6. see src/IPAddress.hs
7. see src/IPAddress.hs
8. see src/IPAddress.hs
9. see src/IPAddress.hs
10. Not done (yet).

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Exercises: Parsing Practise
see src/LearnParsers.hs

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Exercise: Unit of Success
`(>>)` is actually `(*>)` from `Applicative` and `Applicative` also has `(<*)` which has type `Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a`
So the solution here is: `integer <* eof`

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Exercise: Try Try
see src/TryTry.hs

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module AltParsing where
import Control.Applicative
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Text.Trifecta
type NumberOrString = Either Integer String
a :: String
a = "blah"
b :: String
b = "123"
c :: String
c = "123blah789"
eitherOr :: String
eitherOr = [r|
parseNos :: Parser NumberOrString
parseNos = do
skipMany (oneOf "\n")
v <- (Left <$> integer) <|> (Right <$> some letter)
skipMany (oneOf "\n")
return v
main :: IO ()
main = do
let p f i = parseString f mempty i
print $ p (some letter) a
print $ p integer b
print $ p parseNos a
print $ p parseNos b
print $ p (many parseNos) c
print $ p (some parseNos) c
print $ p (some parseNos) eitherOr

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module BT where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (parseOnly)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Text.Trifecta hiding (parseTest)
import Text.Parsec (Parsec, parseTest)
-- Helper function to run a trifecta parser and print the result
trifP :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO ()
trifP p i = print $ parseString p mempty i
-- Helper function to run a parsec parser and print the result
parsecP :: Show a => Parsec String () a -> String -> IO ()
parsecP = parseTest
-- Helper function to runan attoparsec and print the result
attoP :: Show a => A.Parser a -> ByteString -> IO ()
attoP p i = print $ parseOnly p i
-- Parsers
nobackParse :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Char
nobackParse = (char '1' >> char '2') <|> char '3'
tryParse :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Char
tryParse = try (char '1' >> char '2') <|> char '3'
tryAnnot :: (Monad f, CharParsing f) => f Char
tryAnnot = (try (char '1' >> char '2') <?> "Tried 12")
<|> (char '3' <?> "Tried 3")
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- trifecta
trifP nobackParse "13"
trifP tryParse "13"
trifP tryAnnot "13"
-- parsec
parsecP nobackParse "13"
parsecP tryParse "13"
parsecP tryAnnot "13"
-- attoparsec
attoP nobackParse "13"
attoP tryParse "13"
attoP tryAnnot "13"

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Fractions where
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.String (IsString)
import Text.Trifecta
badFraction :: IsString a => a
badFraction = "1/0"
alsoBad :: IsString a => a
alsoBad = "10"
shouldWork :: IsString a => a
shouldWork = "1/2"
shouldAlsoWork :: IsString a => a
shouldAlsoWork = "2/1"
-- parseFraction :: Parser Rational
-- parseFraction = do
-- numerator <- decimal
-- char '/'
-- denominator <- decimal
-- return (numerator % denominator)
-- virtuousFraction :: Parser Rational
-- virtuousFraction = do
-- numerator <- decimal
-- char '/'
-- denominator <- decimal
-- case denominator of
-- 0 -> fail "Denominator cannot be zero"
-- _ -> return (numerator % denominator)
parseFraction :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m Rational
parseFraction = do
numerator <- decimal
char '/'
denominator <- decimal
case denominator of
0 -> fail "Denominator cannot be zero"
_ -> return (numerator % denominator)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- parseOnly is Attoparsec
let attoP = parseOnly parseFraction
print $ attoP badFraction
print $ attoP shouldWork
print $ attoP shouldAlsoWork
print $ attoP alsoBad
-- parseString is Trifecta
let p = parseString parseFraction mempty
print $ p badFraction
print $ p shouldWork
print $ p shouldAlsoWork
print $ p alsoBad
-- let p = parseString parseFraction mempty
-- print $ p shouldWork
-- print $ p shouldAlsoWork
-- print $ p alsoBad
-- print $ p badFraction
-- testVirtuous :: IO ()
-- testVirtuous = do
-- let virtuousFraction' = parseString virtuousFraction mempty
-- print $ virtuousFraction' shouldWork
-- print $ virtuousFraction' shouldAlsoWork
-- print $ virtuousFraction' alsoBad
-- print $ virtuousFraction' badFraction

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module GraphViz where

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module IPAddress where
import Text.Trifecta hiding (span)
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.List (splitAt)
import Numeric (readHex, showHex)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- import Data.List (group, span)
import Data.Either (lefts)
-- import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Test.Hspec
-- Exercise 6
data IPAddress = IPAddress Word32 deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show IPAddress where
show (IPAddress w32) =
let n = toInteger w32
in show ((n `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++
show ((n `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++
show ((n `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF) ++ "." ++
show (n .&. 0xFF)
parseValidIPByte :: Parser Word8
parseValidIPByte = do
i <- decimal
let max' = toInteger (maxBound :: Word8)
min' = toInteger (minBound :: Word8)
if i <= max' && i >= min'
then return (fromInteger i)
else unexpected "Invalid byte"
parseIPv4Address :: Parser IPAddress
parseIPv4Address = do
b1 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte
_ <- char '.'
b2 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte
_ <- char '.'
b3 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte
_ <- char '.'
b4 <- toInteger <$> parseValidIPByte
return $ IPAddress . fromInteger $ (b1 `shiftL` 24) +
(b2 `shiftL` 16) +
(b3 `shiftL` 8) +
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing
testByteHelper :: String -> Maybe Word8 -> Expectation
testByteHelper s r = do
let m = parseString parseValidIPByte mempty s
r' = maybeSuccess m
r' `shouldBe` r
testIPv4Helper :: String -> Maybe IPAddress -> Expectation
testIPv4Helper s r = do
let m = parseString parseIPv4Address mempty s
r' = maybeSuccess m
r' `shouldBe` r
testByte :: IO ()
testByte = hspec $ do
describe "Test parsing of byte" $ do
it "Can parse 0" $ testByteHelper "0" (Just 0)
it "Can parse 255" $ testByteHelper "255" (Just 255)
it "Can't parse 256" $ testByteHelper "256" Nothing
it "Can't parse -1" $ testByteHelper "-1" Nothing
it "Can't parse empty" $ testByteHelper "" Nothing
testIPv4 :: IO ()
testIPv4 = hspec $ do
describe "Test parsing of IPv4" $ do
it "Can parse" $ do
testIPv4Helper "" (Just (IPAddress 0))
it "Can parse" $ do
testIPv4Helper "" (Just (IPAddress (2^32 - 1)))
it "Can parse" $ do
testIPv4Helper "" (Just (IPAddress 255))
it "Can't parse ." $ do
testIPv4Helper "." Nothing
it "Can't parse 0..0.0.0" $ do
testIPv4Helper "0..0.0.0" Nothing
toIPAddress6 :: IPAddress -> IPAddress6
toIPAddress6 (IPAddress w32) = IPAddress6 0 (fromIntegral w32)
-- Exercise 7
-- Datatypes:
data IPAddress6 = IPAddress6 Word64 Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- An IPv6Piece is the part between ':', it can be either
-- "::" or "ABCD"
type IPv6Piece = Either () Word16
toArray :: IPAddress6 -> [Word16]
toArray (IPAddress6 w64 w64') =
let n = toInteger w64
m = toInteger w64'
mask = fromInteger . (\a -> (.&.) a 0xFFFF)
in mask (n `shiftR` 48) :
mask (n `shiftR` 32) :
mask (n `shiftR` 16) :
mask n :
mask (m `shiftR` 48) :
mask (m `shiftR` 32) :
mask (m `shiftR` 16) :
mask m : []
toArray' :: [Word16] -> [Either Int Word16]
toArray' [] = []
toArray' s@(0:0:_) = (Left $ length ys) : (toArray' zs)
where (ys, zs) = span (==0) s
toArray' (x:xs) = (Right x) : toArray' xs
findMax :: [Either Int Word16] -> Maybe Int
findMax xs = go $ lefts xs
where go [] = Nothing
go ys = Just $ maximum ys
replaceLeft :: Int -> [Either Int Word16] -> [IPv6Piece]
replaceLeft m xs = go m xs False
where go _ [] _ = []
go i ((Right c):ys) b = (Right c) : (go i ys b)
go i ((Left c):ys) False =
if (c == i)
then (Left ()) : (go i ys True)
else (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys False)
go i ((Left c):ys) True = (replicate c (Right 0)) ++ (go i ys True)
showPieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> String
showPieces [] = ""
showPieces ((Right c):ys) = (showHex c "") ++ (go ys)
where go [] = []
go (Right c':zs) = ":" ++ (showHex c' "") ++ (go zs)
go zs = showPieces zs
showPieces ((Left ():ys)) = "::" ++ (showPieces ys)
instance Show IPAddress6 where
show p = let xs = toArray' (toArray p)
in showPieces $ (case findMax xs of
Nothing -> replaceLeft 0 xs
(Just i) -> replaceLeft i xs)
validHex :: String
validHex = "abcdefABCDEF0123456789"
-- Helper functions
-- only parses [0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}
readWord16 :: String -> Maybe Word16
readWord16 s =
let r = readHex (take 4 s) :: [(Word16, String)]
in case r of
((w,s'):[]) -> if s' == "" then Just w else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
mkWord64 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word64
mkWord64 a b c d = (fromIntegral a `shiftL` 48) +
(fromIntegral b `shiftL` 32) +
(fromIntegral c `shiftL` 16) +
(fromIntegral d)
mkIPAddress6 :: [Word16] -> Maybe IPAddress6
mkIPAddress6 xs =
case length xs of
8 -> let (a,b) = splitAt 4 xs
w1 = (mkWord64 (a !! 0) (a !! 1) (a !! 2) (a !! 3))
w2 = (mkWord64 (b !! 0) (b !! 1) (b !! 2) (b !! 3))
in Just $ IPAddress6 w1 w2
_ -> Nothing
expandIPv6Pieces :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe [Word16]
expandIPv6Pieces xs =
case length $ filter (==(Left ())) xs of
0 -> Just $ foldr f [] xs
1 -> Just $ foldr g [] xs
_ -> Nothing
where f (Left _) s = s
f (Right c) s = c:s
n = max (9 - (length xs)) 0
g (Left _) s = (take n $ repeat 0) ++ s
g (Right c) s = c:s
getIPAddress6 :: [IPv6Piece] -> Maybe IPAddress6
getIPAddress6 xs = expandIPv6Pieces xs >>= mkIPAddress6
type IPv6State = Bool
type IPv6Parser a = StateT IPv6State Parser a
-- Parsing the individual pieces:
-- hex, 1-4 hexes, ':', '::'
parseSingleHex :: IPv6Parser Char
parseSingleHex = do
c <- oneOf validHex
return c
parseIPv6Hex :: IPv6Parser Word16
parseIPv6Hex = do
c1 <- parseSingleHex <?> "At least one hex"
o <- mapStateT f $ count 3 $ optional parseSingleHex
let s = c1 : (fromMaybe "" o)
case readWord16 s of
Just w -> return w
Nothing -> unexpected $ "Invalid piece: " ++ s
where f :: Parser ([Maybe Char], IPv6State)
-> Parser (Maybe [Char], IPv6State)
f = fmap (\(c,b) -> (sequence c, b))
parseSep :: IPv6Parser String
parseSep = do
c <- string ":"
return c
parseCons :: IPv6Parser (Maybe IPv6Piece)
parseCons = do
b <- get
c <- optional $ string "::"
case c of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just _ -> if b
then unexpected "Only one '::' allowed"
else do
put True
return (Just $ Left ())
-- Parses:
-- ::ABCD
-- :ABCD
parseInnerParts :: IPv6Parser [IPv6Piece]
parseInnerParts = do
c <- parseCons
case c of
Nothing -> do
w <- parseIPv6Hex
return [Right w]
Just _ -> do
w <- parseIPv6Hex
return [Left (), Right w]
parseIPv6Address :: IPv6Parser IPAddress6
parseIPv6Address = do
c <- parseCons
w <- parseIPv6Hex
a <- case c of
Nothing -> do
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts
c' <- parseCons
case c' of
Nothing -> return ([Right w] ++ xs)
Just _ -> return ([Right w] ++ xs ++ [Left ()])
Just _ -> do
xs <- mapStateT f $ many parseInnerParts
return $ ([Left ()] ++ [Right w] ++ xs)
case getIPAddress6 a of
Nothing -> unexpected "Invalid format"
Just a' -> return a'
where f :: Parser ([[IPv6Piece]], IPv6State)
-> Parser ([IPv6Piece], IPv6State)
f = fmap (\(xs, b) -> (concat xs, b))
toIPAddress :: IPAddress6 -> Maybe IPAddress
toIPAddress (IPAddress6 w64 w64')
| w64 /= 0 = Nothing
| w64' > (fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Word32)) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ IPAddress (fromIntegral w64')

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Data.Ini where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Test.Hspec
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Text.Trifecta
headerEx :: ByteString
headerEx = "[blah]"
newtype Header = Header String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
parseBracketPair :: Parser a -> Parser a
parseBracketPair p = char '[' *> p <* char ']'
parseHeader :: Parser Header
parseHeader = parseBracketPair (Header <$> some letter)
assignmentEx :: ByteString
assignmentEx = "woot=1"
type Name = String
type Value = String
type Assignments = Map Name Value
parseAssignment :: Parser (Name, Value)
parseAssignment = do
name <- some letter
_ <- char '='
val <- some (noneOf "\n")
skipEOL -- important!
return (name, val)
-- | Skip end of lien and whitespace beyond.
skipEOL :: Parser ()
skipEOL = skipMany (oneOf "\n")
commentEx :: ByteString
commentEx = "; last modified 11 November 2017 by John Doe"
commentEx' :: ByteString
commentEx' = "; blah\n; woot\n \n; hah"
-- | Skip comments starting at the beginning of the line
skipComments :: Parser ()
skipComments = skipMany $ do
_ <- char ';' <|> char '#'
skipMany (noneOf "\n")
sectionEx :: ByteString
sectionEx = "; ignore me\n[languages]\nGael=Haskell"
sectionEx' :: ByteString
sectionEx' = [r|
; ignore me
sectionEx'' :: ByteString
sectionEx'' = [r|
; comment
data Section = Section Header Assignments deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Config = Config (Map Header Assignments) deriving (Eq, Show)
skipWhitespace :: Parser ()
skipWhitespace = skipMany (char ' ' <|> char '\n')
parseSection :: Parser Section
parseSection = do
h <- parseHeader
assignments <- some parseAssignment
return $ Section h (M.fromList assignments)
rollup :: Section -> Map Header Assignments -> Map Header Assignments
rollup (Section h a) m = M.insert h a m
parseIni :: Parser Config
parseIni = do
sections <- some parseSection
let mapOfSections = foldr rollup M.empty sections
return $ Config mapOfSections
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Assignment Parsing" $
it "can parse a simple assignment" $ do
let m = parseByteString parseAssignment mempty assignmentEx
r' = maybeSuccess m
print m
r' `shouldBe` Just ("woot", "1")
describe "Header Parsing" $
it "can parse a simple header" $ do
let m = parseByteString parseHeader mempty headerEx
r' = maybeSuccess m
print m
r' `shouldBe` Just (Header "blah")
describe "Comment parsing" $
it "Skips comment before header" $ do
let p = skipComments >> parseHeader
i = "; woot\n[blah]"
m = parseByteString p mempty i
r' = maybeSuccess m
print m
r' `shouldBe` Just (Header "blah")
describe "Section parsing" $
it "can parse a simple section" $ do
let m = parseByteString parseSection mempty sectionEx
r' = maybeSuccess m
languages = M.fromList [("Gael", "Haskell")]
expected' = Just (Section (Header "languages") languages)
print m
r' `shouldBe` expected'
describe "INI parsing" $
it "Can parse multiple sections" $ do
let m = parseByteString parseIni mempty sectionEx''
r' = maybeSuccess m
sectionValues = M.fromList
[ ("alias", "claw") , ("host", "")]
whatisitValues = M.fromList [("red", "intoothandclaw")]
expected' = Just (Config (M.fromList [ (Header "section"
, sectionValues)
, (Header "whatisit"
, whatisitValues)]))
print m
r' `shouldBe` expected'

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
module LearnParsers where
import Text.Trifecta
import Text.Parser.Combinators (eof)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
stop :: Parser a
stop = unexpected "stop"
one :: Parser Char
one = char '1'
one' :: Parser Char
one' = one >> stop
oneTwo :: Parser Char
oneTwo = char '1' >> char '2'
oneTwo' :: Parser Char
oneTwo' = oneTwo >> stop
testParse :: Show a => Parser a -> IO ()
testParse p = print $ parseString p mempty "123"
-- testEOFParse :: Parser () -> IO ()
-- testEOFParse p = print $ parseString p mempty "123"
pNL :: String -> IO ()
pNL s = putStrLn ('\n' : s)
-- 1
one'' :: Parser ()
one'' = one >> eof
oneTwo'' :: Parser ()
oneTwo'' = oneTwo >> eof
-- 2
-- Looking at the documentation you can combine strings with <|>
oneTwoThree :: Parser String
-- Put the biggest string first as it matches from from left to right
oneTwoThree = string "123" <|> string "12" <|> string "1"
-- Other solution is to use choice to create a parser from other parser
-- choice :: [Parser a] -> Parser a
oneTwoThree' :: Parser String
oneTwoThree' = choice [string "1", string "12", string "123"]
-- 3
-- Using foldr:
string' :: String -> Parser String
string' = foldr (\c p -> (:) c <$> p) (pure [])
-- We haven't used the `char` function, if we do want to use it, we have
-- to use <*>:
string'' :: String -> Parser String
string'' = foldr (\c p -> (:) <$> char c <*> p) (pure [])
-- Which is basically:
string''' :: String -> Parser String
string''' = traverse char
main :: IO ()
main = do
pNL "stop:"
testParse (stop :: Parser Char)
pNL "one:"
testParse one
pNL "one':"
testParse one'
pNL "oneTwo:"
testParse oneTwo
pNL "oneTwo'"
testParse oneTwo'
pNL "one'':"
testParse one''
pNL "oneTwo'':"
testParse oneTwo''

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Marshalling where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.RawString.QQ
sectionJson :: ByteString
sectionJson = [r|
{ "section": {"host": ""},
"whatisit": {"red": "intoothandclaw"}
data TestData = TestData { section :: Host, what :: Color } deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON TestData where
parseJSON (Object v) =
TestData <$> v .: "section"
<*> v .: "whatisit"
parseJSON _ = fail "Expected an object for TestData"
newtype Host = Host String deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON Host where
parseJSON (Object v) =
Host <$> v .: "host"
parseJSON _ = fail "Expected an object for Host"
type Annotation = String
data Color = Red Annotation
| Blue Annotation
| Yellow Annotation
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON Color where
parseJSON (Object v) =
(Red <$> v .: "red") <|>
(Blue <$> v .: "blue") <|>
(Yellow <$> v .: "yellow")
parseJSON _ = fail "Expected an object for Color"
main :: IO ()
main = do
let d :: Maybe TestData
d = decode sectionJson
print d

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module NumberOrString where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger)
data NumberOrString = Numba Integer| Stringy Text deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON NumberOrString where
parseJSON (Number i) =
case floatingOrInteger i of
(Left _) -> fail "Must be integral number"
(Right integer) -> return $ Numba integer
parseJSON (String s) = return $ Stringy s
parseJSON _ = fail "NumberOrString must be number or string"
dec :: ByteString -> Maybe NumberOrString
dec = decode
eitherDec :: ByteString -> Either String NumberOrString
eitherDec = eitherDecode
main = do
print $ dec "blah"
print $ eitherDec "blah"

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module ParseLog where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Trifecta
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Test.QuickCheck
data LogEntry = LogEntry TimeOfDay String deriving Eq
instance Show LogEntry where
show (LogEntry t s) =
let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" t
in time ++ " " ++ s
instance Arbitrary LogEntry where
arbitrary = do
tod <- TimeOfDay <$> choose (0,23) <*> choose (0,59) <*> pure 0
s <- liftA2 (++)
(oneof [((++) "--") <$> arbitrary, arbitrary])
return $ LogEntry tod (filter (\c -> c /= '\n') s)
data DayEntry = DayEntry Day [LogEntry] deriving Eq
instance Show DayEntry where
show (DayEntry d es) =
let day = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" d
entries = concat . intersperse "\n" . map show $ es
in "# " ++ day ++ "\n" ++ entries
instance Arbitrary DayEntry where
arbitrary = do
day <- ModifiedJulianDay <$> (2000 +) <$> arbitrary
es <- listOf arbitrary
return $ DayEntry day es
data Log = Log [DayEntry] deriving Eq
instance Show Log where
show (Log ds) = concat . intersperse "\n\n" . map show $ ds
instance Arbitrary Log where
arbitrary = do
es <- listOf arbitrary
return $ Log es
countTimeSpentDay :: [LogEntry] -> DiffTime
countTimeSpentDay [] = 0
countTimeSpentDay (_:[]) = 0
countTimeSpentDay (x:y:xs) =
let (LogEntry t1 _) = x
(LogEntry t2 _) = y
in (timeOfDayToTime t2)
- (timeOfDayToTime t1)
+ (countTimeSpentDay (y:xs))
countDay :: DayEntry -> DiffTime
countDay (DayEntry _ e) = countTimeSpentDay e
countTime :: Log -> DiffTime
countTime (Log ds) = sum $ map countDay ds
skipBlankLines :: Parser ()
skipBlankLines =
skipMany $ (skipWhiteSpace >> skipComment >> newline) <|>
(skipWhiteSpace >> newline)
skipComment :: Parser ()
skipComment = skipMany $ do
_ <- count 2 $ char '-'
skipMany $ notChar '\n'
skipWhiteSpace :: Parser ()
skipWhiteSpace = skipMany $ oneOf "\t "
removeComment :: String -> String
removeComment [] = []
removeComment (x:xs) = go "" x False xs
where go s '-' True _ = s -- skip comment
go s '-' False [] = s ++ "-" -- ended with '-'
go s c _ [] = s ++ [c] -- ended without comment
go s '-' False (y:ys) = go s y True ys -- possible start of comment
go s c _ (y:ys) = go (s ++ [c]) y False ys
parseLogEntry :: Parser LogEntry
parseLogEntry = do
t <- count 2 digit <> string ":" <> count 2 digit
let m = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" t
timeOfDay <- case m of
Just time -> return time
Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect time format"
_ <- space
s <- some $ notChar '\n'
_ <- newline
return $ LogEntry timeOfDay (removeComment s)
parseDayEntry :: Parser DayEntry
parseDayEntry = do
_ <- char '#'
_ <- space
d <- some digit <> string "-"
<> count 2 digit <> string "-"
<> count 2 digit
let m = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" d
day <- case m of
Just day' -> return day'
Nothing -> unexpected "Incorrect day format"
-- only thing allowed after day is whitespace and comments
_ <- newline
-- Followed by a list of paserLogEntries
logEntries <- many parseLogEntry
return $ DayEntry day logEntries
parseLog :: Parser Log
parseLog = do
dayEntries <- many parseDayEntry
return $ Log dayEntries
testLog :: String
testLog = [r|-- wheee a comment
# 2025-02-05
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Sanitizing moisture collector
11:00 Exercising in high-grav gym
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Programming
17:00 Commuting home in rover
17:30 R&R
19:00 Dinner
21:00 Shower
21:15 Read
22:00 Sleep
# 2025-02-07 -- dates not nececessarily sequential
08:00 Breakfast -- should I try skippin bfast?
09:00 Bumped head, passed out
13:36 Wake up, headache
13:37 Go to medbay
13:40 Patch self up
13:45 Commute home for rest
14:15 Read
21:00 Dinner
21:15 Read
22:00 Sleep
-- Generator for Log files
genBlankLine :: Gen String
genBlankLine = oneof [return "\t -- comment!\n", return " \t\n"]
genDayLine :: Gen String
genDayLine = do
day <- ModifiedJulianDay <$> (2000 +) <$> arbitrary
let day_string = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" day
oneof [ return $ "# " ++ day_string ++ "\t \n"
, return $ "# " ++ day_string ++ "\t -- comment!\n" ]
genLogEntry :: Gen String
genLogEntry = do
time <- TimeOfDay <$> choose (0,23) <*> choose (0,59) <*> pure 0
let time_string = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M" time
oneof [ return $ time_string ++ " some description \t \n"
, return $ time_string ++ " some description \t -- with comment\n"]
genDayEntry :: Gen String
genDayEntry = do
day <- genDayLine
logEntry <- genLogEntry -- at least one log entry
logEntryList <- concat <$> listOf genLogEntry
blankLines <- concat <$> listOf genBlankLine
return $ day ++ logEntry ++ logEntryList ++ blankLines
genLog :: Gen String
genLog = do
blankLines <- concat <$> listOf genBlankLine
dayEntries <- concat <$> listOf genDayEntry
return $ blankLines ++ dayEntries
newtype LogExample = LogExample String deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary LogExample where
arbitrary = LogExample <$> genLog
propLog :: LogExample -> Bool
propLog (LogExample s) = case parseString parseLog mempty s of
Text.Trifecta.Success _ -> True
_ -> False
main :: IO ()
main = do
quickCheck propLog

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module PhoneNumber where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Text.Trifecta
import Test.Hspec
-- This is an exercise for the Belgian Phone numbers system
-- From wikipedia
Belgian telephone numbers consist of two major parts: Firstly '0', secondly the
"zone prefix" (A) which is 1 or 2 digits long for landlines and 3 digits long
for mobile phones and thirdly the "subscriber's number" (B).
Land lines are always 9 digits long. They are prefixed by a zero, followed by
the zone prefix. Depending on the length of the zone prefix, the subscriber's
number consists of either 6 or 7 digits. Hence land line numbers are written
either 0AA BB BB BB or 0A BBB BB BB.
Mobile Phone numbers always consist of 10 digits. The first digit of the "zone
prefix" of a mobile number is always '4'. Then follows 2 digits indicating to
which Mobile Operator's pool the number originally belonged when it was taken
into usage. The fourth digit represents a "sub-group" of this pool and has no
additional meaning other than increasing the amount of possible numbers. The
subscriber's number consists of 6 digits. Hence, mobile phone numbers are
written 04AA BB BB BB. Sometimes, the last 6 digits are written in two groups
of 3 digits to increase readability: 04AA BBB BBB.
Numbers are sometimes written with a slash in between the zone prefix and the
subscriber's number. This is the case for both land lines and mobile phone
numbers. Sometimes, dots are written between the blocks of the subscriber's
number. Examples: 0AA/BB BB BB, 0AA/BB.BB.BB; for mobile numbers:
The international country code prefix for Belgium is "+32". When dialing a
number with the prefix, the 0 can be dropped, e.g.: +32 4AA BB BB BB.
-- see also
-- Will only look at landlines and phonelines
-- not special numbers or non-geographic numbers
data ZonePrefix = MobileZP String
| LandOneZP String
| LandTwoZP String
deriving (Eq)
instance Show ZonePrefix where
show (MobileZP s) = "0" ++ s
show (LandOneZP s) = " 0" ++ s
show (LandTwoZP s) = " 0" ++ s
data SubscribersNumber = MobileSN String
| LandOneSN String
| LandTwoSN String
deriving (Eq)
instance Show SubscribersNumber where
show (LandOneSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:[])) = a:b:c:" " ++ d:e:" " ++ f:g:[]
show (LandOneSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s
show (MobileSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:[])) = " " ++ a:b:" " ++ c:d:" " ++ e:f:[]
show (MobileSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s
show (LandTwoSN (a:b:c:d:e:f:[])) = " " ++ a:b:" " ++ c:d:" " ++ e:f:[]
show (LandTwoSN s) = "Invalid format: " ++ s
data PhoneNumberBE = PhoneNumberBE ZonePrefix SubscribersNumber deriving Eq
instance Show PhoneNumberBE where
show (PhoneNumberBE z s) = "(PhoneNumberBE " ++ show z
++ " "
++ show s
++ ")"
-- Mobile numbers are: 046x 047x 048x 049x
-- Land lines are most other things where:
-- 02,03,04 and 09 are single digit land line area codes
-- the rest are two digit land line phone
parseZonePrefix :: Parser ZonePrefix
parseZonePrefix =
let mobile = MobileZP <$> do
one <- char '4'
two <- oneOf ['6', '7', '8', '9']
three <- digit
return $ [one, two, three]
landOne = LandOneZP . (:[]) <$> oneOf ['2', '3', '4', '9']
landTwo = LandTwoZP <$> count 2 digit
-- Order is important, we want to check mobile first, followed by
-- landOne. Everything else is assumed to be land two
in mobile <|> landOne <|> landTwo
parseMobileSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber
parseMobileSN = do
let p = count 2 digit
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.'
p1 <- p
p2 <- p
p3 <- p
return . MobileSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3
parseLandTwoSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber
parseLandTwoSN = do
let p = count 2 digit
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.'
p1 <- p
p2 <- p
p3 <- p
return . LandTwoSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3
parseLandOneSN :: Parser SubscribersNumber
parseLandOneSN = do
let p = count 2 digit
skip = skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '.'
p1 <- count 3 digit
p2 <- p
p3 <- p
return . LandTwoSN $ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3
parsePhone :: Parser PhoneNumberBE
parsePhone = do
-- Country code
m <- optional $ string "+32"
-- white space
skipMany $ char ' '
-- Leading zero depends on country code
skipOptional $ char ' '
_ <- case m of
Just _ -> do
a <- optional $ char '0'
case a of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just _ -> unexpected "0 not expected here"
Nothing -> Just <$> char '0'
z <- parseZonePrefix
skipOptional $ char ' ' <|> char '/'
s <- case z of
MobileZP _ -> parseMobileSN
LandOneZP _ -> parseLandOneSN
LandTwoZP _ -> parseLandTwoSN
return $ PhoneNumberBE z s
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing
-- Should test all options for mobile and single-digit land lines,
-- but that is just copy-paste... QuickCheck could also help.
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Parse Zone Prefix" $ do
it "Mobile starts with 4[6-9]x " $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "472"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just (MobileZP "472")
it "Incorrect mobile zone prefix should fail" $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "47"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Land line with single digit" $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "2"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just (LandOneZP "2")
it "Land line with double digit" $ do
let m = parseString parseZonePrefix mempty "55"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just (LandTwoZP "55")
-- ...

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module PosInt where
import Text.Trifecta
import Test.Hspec
parseDigit :: Parser Char
parseDigit = oneOf ['0'..'9']
base10Integer :: Parser Integer
base10Integer = do
xs <- some $ (\a -> read (a:"")) <$> parseDigit
return $
fst $ foldr (\a (b,i) -> (a * i + b, i*10)) (0,1) xs
parseSign :: Parser Char
parseSign = oneOf ['+', '-']
base10Integer' :: Parser Integer
base10Integer' = do
c <- option '+' parseSign
let f = if c == '-' then negate else id
f <$> base10Integer
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Parse Digit" $ do
it "can parse a 0" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "0"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '0'
it "can parse a 1" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "1"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '1'
it "can parse a 2" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "2"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '2'
it "can parse a 3" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "3"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '3'
it "can parse a 4" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "4"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '4'
it "can parse a 5" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "5"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '5'
it "can parse a 6" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "6"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '6'
it "can parse a 7" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "7"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '7'
it "can parse a 8" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "8"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '8'
it "can parse a 9" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "9"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '9'
it "other values fail" $ do
let m = parseString parseDigit mempty "a"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
describe "Parse Integer" $ do
it "can parse single digit" $ do
let m = parseString base10Integer mempty "3"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just 3
it "can parse multiple digits" $ do
let m = parseString base10Integer mempty "123"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just 123
it "fails when no digit" $ do
let m = parseString base10Integer mempty "x23"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
describe "Parse Sign" $ do
it "Minus" $ do
let m = parseString parseSign mempty "-"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '-'
it "Plus" $ do
let m = parseString parseSign mempty "+"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just '+'
it "other" $ do
let m = parseString parseSign mempty "1"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
describe "Parse Positive Integer" $ do
it "positive without +" $ do
let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "123abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just 123
it "positive with -" $ do
let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "+123abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just 123
describe "Parse negative integer" $ do
it "negative" $ do
let m = parseString base10Integer' mempty "-123abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
r `shouldBe` Just (-123)

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SemVer where
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Text.Trifecta
import Test.Hspec
data NumberOrString = NOSS String | NOSI Integer deriving (Eq, Show)
type Major = Integer
type Minor = Integer
type Patch = Integer
type Release = [NumberOrString]
type Metadata = [NumberOrString]
data SemVer = SemVer Major Minor Patch Release Metadata deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Probably nicer ways of doing this?
instance Ord SemVer where
compare (SemVer major minor patch _ _)
(SemVer major' minor' patch' _ _) =
-- case compare major major' of
-- GT -> GT
-- LT -> LT
-- EQ ->
-- case compare minor minor' of
-- GT -> GT
-- LT -> LT
-- EQ ->
-- case compare patch patch' of
-- GT -> GT
-- LT -> LT
-- EQ -> EQ
mconcat $
zipWith compare [major, minor, patch] [major', minor', patch']
validChars :: [Char]
validChars = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
-- According to SemVer identifiers comprise of [0-9a-zA-Z]
-- Looks like the exercises wants us to differentiate between numbers
-- and strings, even though it can be mixed: e.g 1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.5114f85
-- Therefore we will only treat it as a number if the entire identifier can
-- be identified as a number
parseNumberOrString :: Parser NumberOrString
parseNumberOrString = do
s <- some $ oneOf validChars
return $ if all isDigit s
then NOSI (read s)
else NOSS s
parserNumberOrStringList :: Parser [NumberOrString]
parserNumberOrStringList = do
x <- parseNumberOrString
xs <- many $ char '.' >> parseNumberOrString
return $ x : xs
parseRelease :: Parser Release
parseRelease = char '-' >> parserNumberOrStringList
parseMetadata :: Parser Metadata
parseMetadata = char '+' >> parserNumberOrStringList
parseSemVer :: Parser SemVer
parseSemVer = do
major <- decimal
_ <- char '.'
minor <- decimal
_ <- char '.'
patch <- decimal
rel <- option [] parseRelease
metadata <- option [] parseMetadata
_ <- eof -- not really necessary, but just makes it nice to test :)
return $ SemVer major minor patch rel metadata
maybeSuccess :: Result a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (Success a) = Just a
maybeSuccess _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Number or String parsing" $ do
it "can parse string" $ do
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just (NOSS "abc")
it "can parse number" $ do
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "123"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just (NOSI 123)
it "can parse mixed number and string" $ do
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "123abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just (NOSS "123abc")
it "fails on non alphanumeric" $ do
let m = parseString parseNumberOrString mempty "+"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
describe "Number or String parsing" $ do
it "can parse one number or string" $ do
let m = parseString parserNumberOrStringList mempty "123abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSS "123abc"]
it "can parse more than one number or string" $ do
let m = parseString parserNumberOrStringList mempty ""
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSI 123, NOSS "abc"]
it "fails when no number or string" $ do
let m = parseString parserNumberOrStringList mempty "+"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
describe "Release parsing" $ do
it "can parse release" $ do
let m = parseString parseRelease mempty ""
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSI 123, NOSS "abc", NOSS "123abc"]
it "fails when doesn't start with '-'" $ do
let m = parseString parseRelease mempty ""
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
describe "Metadata parsing" $ do
it "can parse metadata" $ do
let m = parseString parseMetadata mempty ""
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just [NOSI 123, NOSS "abc", NOSS "123abc"]
it "fails when doesn't start with '+'" $ do
let m = parseString parseRelease mempty ""
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
describe "SemVer parsing" $ do
it "can parse just version" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [] [])
it "fails on invalid version" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "fails with invalid data after version" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3["
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "can parse with release" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [NOSS "abc"] [])
it "fails with more than one release" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc-abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "fails with invalid data after release" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc]"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "can parse with metadata" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3+abc"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [] [NOSS "abc"])
it "fails with more than one metadata" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3+abc+123"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "fails with non number or string after release" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3+abc["
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Nothing
it "can parse with release and metadata" $ do
let m = parseString parseSemVer mempty "1.2.3-abc+123"
r = maybeSuccess m
print m
r `shouldBe` Just (SemVer 1 2 3 [NOSS "abc"] [NOSI 123])
describe "Comparing SemVer" $ do
it "Bigger Major" $ do
let a = SemVer 2 1 0 [] []
b = SemVer 1 2 1 [] []
compare a b `shouldBe` GT
it "Smaller Major" $ do
let a = SemVer 1 2 1 [] []
b = SemVer 2 1 0 [] []
compare a b `shouldBe` LT
it "Bigger Minor" $ do
let a = SemVer 1 2 0 [] []
b = SemVer 1 1 1 [] []
compare a b `shouldBe` GT
it "Smaller Major" $ do
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [] []
b = SemVer 1 2 0 [] []
compare a b `shouldBe` LT
it "Bigger Patch" $ do
let a = SemVer 1 1 2 [] []
b = SemVer 1 1 1 [] []
compare a b `shouldBe` GT
it "Smaller Patch" $ do
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [] []
b = SemVer 1 1 2 [] []
compare a b `shouldBe` LT
it "Equal Patch" $ do
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [] []
compare a a `shouldBe` EQ
it "Release and Major don't matter" $ do
let a = SemVer 1 1 1 [NOSI 3] [NOSI 3]
b = SemVer 1 1 1 [NOSI 2, NOSI 1] [NOSI 2, NOSI 1]
compare a b `shouldBe` EQ

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module TryTry where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Text.Trifecta
import Data.Ratio ((%))
parseFraction :: Parser Rational
parseFraction = do
numerator <- decimal
char '/'
denominator <- decimal
case denominator of
0 -> fail "Denominator cannot be zero"
_ -> return (numerator % denominator)
type DecimalOrFraction = Either Integer Rational
parseDecimalOrFraction :: Parser DecimalOrFraction
parseDecimalOrFraction = (Right <$> (try parseFraction))
<|> (Left <$> decimal)