You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

822 B

26 Monad Transformers

26.3 EitherT

see src/EitherT.hs

26.5 StateT

see src/StateT.hs

26.8 Wrap it up

see src/WrapItUp.hs

26.9 Exercises: Lift More

  1. see src/EitherT.hs
  2. see src/StateT.hs

26.10 Exercises: Some Instances

  1. see src/MaybeT.hs
  2. see src/ReaderT.hs
  3. see src/StateT.hs

26.12 Hypothetical Exercise

see src/Hypo.hs

26.14 Chapter Exercises

Write the code

see src/WriteTheCode.hs

Fix the code

see src/FixTheCode.hs

Hit counter

see hit-counter/Main.hs


see morra/src/Morra.hs