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Exercises: Understanding folds

Exercise 1

This will evaluate to: (1*(2*(3*(4*(5*1)))), so

  1. Is not correct as the types are incorrect.
  2. Will return the same result.
  3. Will also return the same result. The latter two are the same because multiplication is commutative.

Exercise 2

fMul = flip (*)
            | ------- accumulator -------| 
  foldl fMul                   1          [1,2,3]
= foldl fMUl             (fMul 1 1)       [2,3]
= foldl fMul       (fMul (fMul 1 1) 2)    [3]
= foldl fMul (fMul (fMul (fMul 1 1) 2) 3) []
=             fMul (fMul (fMul 1 1) 2) 3
= 3*(2*(1*1))
= 6

Exercise 3

  1. They both traverse the spine from right to left. This evident by the (x:xs) pattern matching in both functions' definition.
  2. They both force the rest of the fold as they are both recursive functions.
  3. True, foldr associates from the right and foldl assocatiates from the left.
  4. They are both recursive

Exercise 4

(a) Catamorphism means to shape downwards and thus reduce structure. This is evident in the application of the folds which can reduce lists to a single value.

Exercise 5

  1. The zero value is missing: foldr (++) "" ["woot", "WOOT", "woot"]
  2. The wrong zero value is used, a Char is expected: foldr max 'a' "fear is the litle death"
  3. and :: [a] -> Bool is a function which takes an array and returns True if all values are True. This is not the same type as expected: (a -> b -> b). Should be: foldr (&&) True [False, True]
  4. The wrong zero value is used as this will always return True. Such is the nature of the (||)operator. Should be: foldr (||) False [False, True]
  5. foldl expects a b -> a -> b function. ((++) . show) :: Show a => a -> [Char] -> [Char]. If we use this function this means that, because the accumalator starting values "" is of type [Char], our fold function is: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] which does not fit, because this would mean our elements of the array should be of type [Char]. It should be: foldr (flip $ ((++) . show) "" [1..5]
  6. The result of the const application should be the same type as the zero value (Char), but const returns the type of the second argument, in this case Num a => a. It should be: foldr (flip const) 'a' [1..5]
  7. Same as (6). It should be: foldr (flip const) 0 "tacos"
  8. This is similar to the previous questions. The flip is not needed here for the same reasons it is needed in (6) and (7). It should be: foldl const 0 "burritos"
  9. Same as (8). It should be foldl const 'z' [1..5]