Complete first 4 chapters

Gaël Depreeuw 7 years ago
parent 290c50f5bd
commit 73d974fcfa
  1. 1
  2. 10
  3. 25
  4. 17
  5. 15
  6. 19
  7. 11
  8. 38
  9. 18
  10. 30
  11. 5
  12. 4
  13. 34
  14. 11
  15. 6
  16. 6
  17. 31
  18. 30
  19. 7

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The answers to Chapter 1 exercises are available in the book.

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# Exercises: A Head Code
# Exercise 1
1. Returns `5`
2. Returns `5 * 5 = 25`
3. Returns `5 * 6 = 30`
4. Returns `3 + 3 = 6`
# Exercise 2
see src/practise.hs

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# Chapter Exercises
# Parenthesization
1. `(2 + (2 * 3)) - 1`
2. `(^) 10 (1 + 1)`
3. `((2 ^ 2) * (4 ^ 5)) + 1`
# Equivalent expressions
1. Equivalent.
2. Equivalent.
3. Different. `(-) 37 400` is equal to `37 - 400`
4. Different. Integer division versus real division.
5. Different. Multiplication has higher precedence.
# More fun with functions
In the REPL:
`let z = 7; x = y ^ 2; waxOn = x * 5; y = z + 8`
1. `waxOn` is a number equal to `1125`. So it would be as if you replace `waxOn` by `1125`.
2. /
3. This will return `1125 * 3` or `3375`
4. see src/chapter.hs
5. see src/chapter.hs
6. see src/chapter.hs
7. waxOff is basically an for the triple function.

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# Exercises: Comprhension check
## Exercise 1
To declare these functions in the REPL, you need to prepend them with **let**.
`let half x = x / 2`
`let square x = x * x`
## Excercise 2
In the REPL:
`let foo x = 3.14 * (x * x)`
## Excercise 3
In the REPL:
`let bar x = pi * (x * x)`

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# Exercises: Parentheses and Association
## Exercise 1
The parentheses change the result here.
Multiplication (*) has a higher precedence, so is normally evaluated first. By adding parentheses to the addition (+), the order in which terms are evaluated is changed.
## Exercise 2
The parenthese do not change the result.
Parentheses surround mulitplication, but multiplication has a higher precedence, so it does not change anything.
## Exercise 3
The parentheses change the result here.
Division (\\) has a higher precedence. By adding parentheses to the addition, the order in which terms are evaluated is changed.

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# Exercises: Heal the Sick
# Excercise 1
The space between 3. and 14 should be removed.
`let area x = 3.14 * (x * x)`
# Exercise 2
b is unknown is this definition, unless previously defined. The former will generate and error, the latter won't, but the intent of the function is to double the input, so `b` should be replaced by `x`
`let double x = x * 2`
# Exercise 3
The line should start at the same indentation.
x = 7
y = 10
f = x + y

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-- 4
waxOn = x * 5
where z = 7
x = y ^ 2
y = z + 8
-- 5
triple x = x * 3
-- 6
waxOff x = triple x

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-- 2.5 Exercises: Comprehension check
-- Exercise 1
half x = x / 2
-- let half x = x / 2
square x = x * x
-- let square x = x * x
-- Exercise 2
foo x = 3.14 * (x * x)
-- Exercise 3
bar x = pi * (x * x)
-- 2.6 Exercises: Parentheses and Association
-- Exercise 1
-- aThey are different because * has priority over +
-- Exercise 2
-- Both are the same because * has priority over +
-- Exercise 3
-- They are different because / has priority over +
-- 2.7 Exercises: Heal the Sick
-- Exercise 1
-- let area x = 3.14 * (x*x)
-- Exercise 2
-- let double x = x * 2
-- Exercise 3
x = 7
y = 18
f = x + y

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-- The order of the where statements
-- does not matter
-- 1
foo1 = x * 3 + y
where x = 3
y = 1000
-- 2
foo2 = x * 5
where x = 10 * 5 + y
y = 10
-- 3
foo3 = z / x + y
where x = 7
y = negate x
z = y * 10

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# Chapter Exercises
## Reading syntax
### Excercise 1
1. Correct
2. Incorrect, should be: `(++) [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Incorrect, should be: `"hello" !! 4`
6. Correct
7. Incorrect, should be: `take 4 "lovely"`
8. Correct
### Exercise 2
1. a -> d
2. b -> c
3. c -> e
4. d -> a
5. e -> b
## Building functions
# Exercise 1
1. `"Curry is awesome" ++ "!"`
2. `("Curry is awesome!" !! 4) : ""`
3. `drop 9 "Curry is awesome!"`
# Exercises 2-5
see src/chapter3.hs
# Exercise 6
see src/reverse.hs

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# Exercises: Scope
1. Yes.
2. No. (Assuming h is not defined previously)
3. No. r is not in scope. Also d is not in scope of r.
4. Yes.

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# Exercises: Syntax Errors
1. Won't compile. Should be: `(++) [1,2,3] [4,5,6]`
2. Will not compile. Should be `"<3" ++ " Haskell"`
3. Will compile.

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module Chapter3 where
-- Building Functions
-- Exercise 2
-- This is just the most straighforward solution. Not very flexible.
appendBang :: String -> String
appendBang x = x ++ "!"
-- Again not very flexible, nor safe. Not every string has a fourth element.
getFourth :: String -> String
getFourth x = (x !! 4) : ""
-- Also not safe as there might not be enough characters to drop
dropNine :: String -> String
dropNine x = drop 9 x
-- Exercise 3
thirdLetter :: String -> Char
thirdLetter x = x !! 2
-- Exercise 4
letterIndex :: Int -> Char
letterIndex x = "Curry is awesome!" !! x
-- Exercise 5
-- Because we only want this to work for "Curry is awesome", I've decided to
-- only implement it as such and thus it returns just a String
rvrs :: String
rvrs =
let s = "Curry is awesome"
start = take 5 s -- "Curry"
mid = take 4 $ drop 5 s -- " is "
end = drop 9 s -- "awesome"
in end ++ mid ++ start

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module Reverse where
rvrs :: String -> String
rvrs s = end ++ mid ++ start
where start = take 5 s -- "Curry"
mid = take 4 $ drop 5 s -- " is "
end = drop 9 s -- "awesome"
main :: IO ()
-- main = print (rvrs "Curry is awesome")
main = print $ rvrs "Curry is aweomse"

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# Exercises: Mood Swings
1. Mood
2. Blah or Moot
3. Woot is not a type, but a value. You need a type in the type signature. It should be `changeMood :: Mood -> Mood`
4. see src/mood.hs
5. see src/mood.hs

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# Exercises: Find the Mistakes
1. Incorrect, should be: `not True && True`
2. Incorrect, should be: `not (x == 6)`
3. Correct
4. Incorrect, should be: `["Merry"] > ["Happy"]`
5. Incorrect, mismatched types.

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# Chapter Exercises
1. `length :: [a] -> Int` (Why not `Integer`?)
2. Answers:
1. 5
2. 3
3. 2
4. 5
3. `(/)` takes two `Fractional` types. `length` returns and `Int` which is not `Fractional`. (`Float` and `Double` are)
4. Use `div` instead: `div 6 $ length [1, 2, 3]`
5. `Bool`. `True` (Note: `(+)` has higher precedence)
6. `Bool`. `False`
7. Answers:
1. Works. `Bool`. `True`
2. Won't work. List needs to have elements of the same type.
3. Works. `Int`. `5`
4. Works. `Bool`. `False`
5. Won't work. `(&&)` needs two `Bool`'s, `9` isn't one.
8. see src/chapter4.hs
9. see src/chapter4.hs
10. see src/chapter4.hs
## Correcting syntax
see src/chapter4.hs
## Match the function names to their types
1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (d)

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module Chapter4 where
-- Chapter Exercises
-- 8
isPalindrome :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
isPalindrome x = reverse x == x
-- 9
myAbs :: Integer -> Integer
myAbs x = if x < 0 then negate x else x
-- 10
f :: (a,b) -> (c,d) -> ((b,d), (a,c))
f x y = ((snd x, snd y), (fst x, fst y))
-- Correcting Syntax
-- 1
myF :: String -> Int
myF xs = w + 1
where w = length xs
-- 2
myId :: a -> a
myId x = x
-- 3
myFirst :: (a,b) -> a
myFirst (a, _) = a
-- or myFirst (a, b) = a
-- or myFirst t = fst t

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module Mood where
data Mood = Woot | Blah deriving Show
changeMood :: Mood -> Mood
changeMood Blah = Woot
changeMood _ = Blah